Pains in legs

  • 9 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi my name is steve I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in November 2020 I was put on hormone treatment (zoladex) every three months and Radiotherapy in may 2021 I have pains in my legs which are not to bad during the day but are painful at night.If anyone has any idea how to alleviate the pain I would be very grateful . Also my wife tends to worry every time I get a ache or pain.can anyone reasure her it all to do with the treatment 

  • Ice baths mate, works for me 



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Hi Steve, 

    My husband was diagnosed in the summer of 2019- he had radiotherapy and 2 q/2 years of hormone treatment.

    he suffers aches that I am afraid to say progressively got worse but by maintaining a healthy diet, light exercise and vitamins like iron, sage, evening promise and b12 we are trying to keep the pain at bay.  He isn’t one for painkillers but will take paracetamols on a very bad day.

    i hate to point this out as I recognise everyone is different and I don’t want you to think you will have years of aches but hopefully it can reassure your wife as I was also very afraid that this is some of the side effects that are simply not explained (perhaps they don’t know as hormone treatment seems different for different people).

    my husband had days where he wasn’t going to do any more injections- easy for me to say but stick with it, it isn’t easy but we have to trust it’s right for you.

    wish you both all the very best x

  • Hi Paul thanks for the advice I will give it a go to see if it helps


  • hi Nellie thanks for your advice I have started raising my legs at night it seems to be helping .my wife is more reassured now as well


  • Hi Steve_M

    In my experience this is mainly due to the medication, during the day you might be walking or excersize, we’re as at night when you rest your legs stiffen. Hormone treatment affects everyone differently, with any luck this will pass in time, have you had any blood taken recently ? Might need just to ask the doctor of which I’m not, just in case of blood clots, no harm in asking all the questions.

    Your wife is like mine, worries about me walking ( climbing ) the stairs or any little thing, a sneeze a cough, she knows my back is bad and won’t let me carry shopping, so yep I know how the darlings worry bless ‘em.

    Stay safe


  • Hello.   Way back in the early 1990s I had severe back trouble, I lost much time from work and it led to some time in hospital in traction.  Afterwards I had serious calf and thigh cramps which could last up to a half and hour hopping about the bedroom.  They eventually ceased.  Two and a half years ago they began once more and were followed by numerous small trips to the bathroom.  I saw a doctor and after two biopsies I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and put onto watchful waiting.  The leg cramps were back and severe but my doctor did not know why.  I now have hormone treatment, (the prognosis is at the moment very good) I have leg cramps still but fortunately in the calf muscles mostly which go quickly when I stand up but they are usually at their worst after I do some long walks which is often.  If your cramps are in the calf’s just stand up and stretch but thigh cramps are nasty.  The only way is to stretch as much as possible when they come on.  Are they a result of the zoladex, .????

  • Hi Ossie  my doctor told me that the side effects of hormone treatment is i walk everyday and do light exercise.and I try not to sit to long in one place. I hope the pains will ease over time

  • Hi Steve.  I already have arthritis in my hips.  Two or three times a year it flairs up and make walking rather painful particularly on night visits to the bathroom.  However by early afternoon I can walk a bit more freely.  Walking is actually good as you will have found.  I try to walk each day sometimes quite briskly and even at times up to seven miles.  You will have found that being active helps with everything, particularly keeping your mind clear for much of the time from health problems.   I hope all goes well for you.

  • I get leg cramps, right leg muscle spasms and twitches 

    They can be bad 

    I've got bone mets in pelvis, there's something saying about pressure on the nerve bundle(that makes sense for my issue)