Hot flushes

  • 11 replies
  • 117 subscribers

As much as l love this heat wave here in Wales (82F). I have had so far today 8 major hot flushes and we still have a few hours to go yet. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance 


  • I too have hot flushes and live in s. wales am into 2nd injection of Prostap and doc says its basically the male menopause. They are hoping to shrink the cancer before they give me radiotherapy. I'm getting flushes every 20mins 

    Drink plenty of water run the cold tap over your wrists.

  • Hi . Ask your GP for Cyproterone or Provera. Both are very effective for hot flushes. Please be aware that Cyproterone can cause a rise in your levels of HbA1c blood sugar pushing you into type 2 diabetes (I don't know if Provera has the same effect). You need to be careful with your sugar intake if taking Cyproterone. Other options are Evening Primrose Oil and Sage leaves. I took 1 of 1300mg EPO and 2 of 275mg SL capsules morning and night. You can get both from Holland and Barratt.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi John 1963

    Totally agree with seamus47-cyproterone acetate tablets are amazing.after 6 months of suffering and trying all sorts my husband was prescribed these ,he got his quality of life back.he calls then his wonder pills lol

    Good luck on your journey 

  • Got to agree about Cyproterone. Before that I had 10 weeks of accupuncture (5 needdles in each ear), tried evening primrose oil and sage but nothing worked. Hot flushes every few minutes. Was desperate and Oncologist prescribed Cyproterone 50mg once daily and have never looked back. 

  • Thank you all for your advice, just made an appointment with my GP's surgery, hopefully she will sort some thing out.

    John 1963

  • I found it helpful to have something to hand (especially at night) to use as a fan when they struck. Hopefully you will also find they lessen with the passing of time.

    Good luck with your treatment,  Best regards Reg

  • Hi John, when I started to get hot flushes I bought a fan, it cooled me down but did not have an effect on the amount of flushes, Macmillan arrange a course of acupuncture, 7 needles in each ear for the flushes and 1 to ease pain.

    No one mentioned Cyproterone to me so don't know if it would work for me.

    As for the flushes I feel badly off if I get more than 1 per week.

    I hope your appointment with GP goes well, all the best Ulls 

  • Hi John

    When I had the really bad hot flushes, I asked the oncologist and doctors what could help, apart from the usual vitamins I was prescribed Provera which does work, I don’t take it any more, as my flushes have calmed down a bit, Google it and ask the doctor.

    Stay safe


  • I have now talked to my CSN (new one, original one has left the department) and she suggested Sage supplement from the health care shop. Asked my pharmacist about them and his reply was “waste of time, don’t  work) I cancelled the GP appointment on the advise of the CSN to give the pills ago, I am now at a bit of a lost about what to do, I am really stuck between a rock and a hard place now, I also explained to her  about breast tissue forming on only one side of my chest and how embarrassing it was to take my T Shirt off in public and aching hip and knee joints, She said wait to speak to the consultant in August sometime ( next telephone appointment) or just ignore and re-book my GP again for her advice. 

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.

    John 1963

  •  I was given Cyproterone by the oncology department and took Evening Primrose Oil and Sage leaf capsules which mostly worked for me. I also had a standby homeopathic remedy of Sepia (cuttlefish ink) which I occasionally took on the recommendation of my GP. The great thing about the herbal remedies is that even if they don't work for you EPO & SL won't do you any harm. Be aware that Cyproterone can cause a significant rise in your HbA1c levels pushing you into Type 2 Diabetes. It's a year since I stopped the Cyproterone and my Type 2 Diabetes is now in remission, however I still eat as little sugar as possible just in case.

    As  says Provera is also a good treatment for hot flushes but I don't know if it has the same effect with HbA1c levels.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)