Decapeptyl Side Effects

  • 1 reply
  • 110 subscribers

Hi everyone. Dad had his 2nd Decapeptyl injection in May. He is currently awaiting a treatment plan whilst we await bone biopsy results (possible spread to shoulder and thigh). But these past 2 weeks he has been complaining of aches pains in his neck, back and legs. His Macmillan nurse is on long term sick and her stand in has now gone off sick. 

Can Decapeptyl cause aches and pains and almost 2 months after the injection? Not sure where to turn with this. Any advice please?

  • Hi Chezza, sorry to read about your dad, I get decapeptyl injections every 24 weeks just had my 4th, and I have secondary bone cancer, I'm not sure if the bone pain is caused by the cancer or the treatment.

    It might be a good idea to ring the Macmillan helpline that's what they are there for their free phone number is on this site.

    All the best Ulls