Loo visits at night

  • 23 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have PC (gleason score 9) but contained within the prostate. Despite using decaff tea and coffee and not drinking anything after 8pm each night, (I'm teetotaI by the way) I still have to pee 3 or 4 times a night. It's alaways clear, but such a lot each time! Anyone got any suggestions or similar symptoms please?


  • Hi Bas,

    I've got PC and it's in my bones-arm, spine and pelvis but so far no pain. pee a couple of times a night at most 3, but apart from that, I manage to get back to sleep fairly quickly so it's not really much of an inconvenience.



  • Hi Bas, I had incurable advanced cancer for 18 month, like you I go to the loo during the night, it varies between 1and 5 times it's not just how much you drink later in the day but what you consume during the whole day, but if you don't drink sufficient water you get dehydrated, can't win just have to get used to it.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hi Ulls,

    I know I'm not the only one with nightly visits but like you, I guess I'll have to just live with it. Oh how I long for an unbroken nights sleep though!!

    Thanks, and best wishes


  • Hi Bas,

    I’m on my last 3 days of 37 sessions of radiotherapy.

    At the start of my treatment my team told me not to drink anything after 6.30pm. To be honest this hasn’t helped the nightly toilet trips but it has slowed them down to 2 a night.

     I hope this helps 


  • Years ago before I was even diagnosed with PCa when it was just my enlarged prostate causing the loo trips my urologist advised drinking nothing after 6pm and elevating my legs when sat watching the TV in the evenings as this would hopefully bring all fluid into the central part of the body and make me want to urinate enough before going to bed.  Have even tried drinking more during the first part of the day.  It made a small difference but still got up 3 times.  What medication are you on for this as a change of medication or an add in medication may help

  • Hi Tyler,

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try not to have any drinks after 6:30pm for a week or two as you suggest and see if that lessens the night loo visits. Incidentally I only drink water in the evenings anyway, I'm teetotal!

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Freefaller,

    I'm on Zoladex jabs every 12 weeks since June 2020 and my psa has come down to around 1. I''m going to try not drinking anything after 6:30pm (I only drink water in the evenings anyway) and see if that makes a difference! Thanks for your input.

    All the best,


  • I'm presuming you have already made the change to de-caffeinated tea and coffee?  Hope something helps.

  • Yes, I've been on decaff tea and coffee for about six weeks now, thanks to my consultants advice. I've started a strict routine of no drinks after 6-30pm now, so we'll see how it goes after a couple of weeks!



  • Hope it works.  Are you on medication for this?