
  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Had my Radiotherapy last August also brachytherpy, since March I have a burning sensation every time I wee and also some times when I am just doing nothing.

I have had loads of tests and its not a infection. The consultant is talking about bladder lining?

  • Hi Echoandpurdey sorry to see you on this site, but welcome anyway, I can't comment as did not have any problems with Radiotherapy, did you doctor mentioned how much water you should be drinking?

    By answering your thread you will go back to the top, so maybe another member can give you advice.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hi Echoandpurdey

    My husband had brachytherapy in mid January and then 4.5 weeks of radiotherapy for stage 3 ii N0 M0. He has had a burning sensation on the tip of his penis. Dr said it isn't an infection and prescribed hyrdocortisone cream which has cleared it up pronto.

    Maybe worth a try? 

    Hope you are soon feeling better.

    Best regards 


  • Thank you for the informatioln but its not at the tip its in the uretha