Up date on my dad

  • 4 replies
  • 111 subscribers

My dad had his results today. The prostate cancer has spread to his spine, bone's. They have given him some pills and( injections to give to Dr) They said to try and slow the spread. Pain killers,ifSobe needs them. The cancer is all down his spine and in the bone's. There is nothing they can do. I am utterly heartbroken. To top it off,my mum either had a mini heart attack, or fainted ,after leavSobg the Urologist,while dad was getting his meds and has broken 9 rib's,has a haematoma on the back of her head,but not inside thank God,she has a few braises. So she's in the hospital now, don't knowSobor how long,they got to monitor her to see if it was a faint or mini heart attack Unbelievable. how all this has happened in one day my poor mum and dad Sob

  • Lynda, 

    I'm gobsmacked. I know that there are new tests and treatments all of the time.

    From my experience I know how hard the diagnosis hits you.

    Best wishes from all of us to your parents.  Lynda I hope things start to improve.  Try to keep strong not only for your parents but for yourself. 

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Very sorry to hear Lynda about your dad and also your mother's fall, hope she's ok 

    Hormone therapy can still help your dad, important he gets,  or is on the right one.

    Hope that things improve for you all.

    Best wishes


  • So sorry to hear your news . Wishing your mum a speedy recovery after an awful day . My husband has spine mets like your father , PSA was 3000 plus and after hormone treatment and chemo it is now 40 .He is 59.  Keep pushing for treatment as there are plenty of new things out there . Stay strong x