Update on my recently diagnosed brother.

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Update on my brother recently diagnosed. He is 71 and after being treated for over a year for sciatica was told two weeks ago following a hip X-ray he has cancer. A Lytic lesion was seen in his pelvis, blood test confirmed he has primary advance prostate cancer. Psa 112. Last week he saw a urologist who did a flow test and felt the prostate and simply said it felt very bad. He immediately put him on Hormone Therapy including Tamoxifen. Yesterday he had a nuclear scan and next Sunday he is going for a multiparametric mri. The MDT were meeting this week . It’s all sounding very scary and I feel helpless, he lives alone. He is to hacpve a bone scan too. I am very upset and worried for him. Any advice would be welcome. 

  • Hi

    The tests and scans you have described are all part of the usual process and nothing to be worried about. When the MDT meet they will have all the test results and decide a way forward. The HT will stop the cancer in its tracks.

    Let us know when the MDT have met and what the plan is. Also any stats apart from the PSA would be helpful too.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Everything is being done to give a full diagnosis from these tests and point the way forward to the correct treatment.  Try not to worry too much as it doesn't help anything.  If you need help and advice on this stage of diagnosis and with medical jargon then you have come to the right place you can also have a look on the Prostatecanceruk website where you will find a folder of leaflets called "The Prostate Cancer Toolkit"  this will help explain most of the things you need to know at this stage and treatment options which may be given.  You can also contact the Prostate Cancer UK specialist nurses on the free phone number 0800 074 8383.  The help line is open Mon - Fri from 9am - 6pm and Wednesdays from 10 am to 8pm.  These wonderful nurses were an absolute godsend to us as I think I only managed to contact my hospital keyworker once as she was so busy so contacted these nurses with any questions and they were always so good and helpful to my wife and I.

    Good Luck and let us know how your brother gets on after the MDT meeting and what treatment options are given.

  • Hi saw Keith today and he has had a letter from the urologist saying the staging is T4. He also said on examination the Prostate felt large, hard and lumpy. He has a CT scan on Monday and a Multipareletic MRI the following Sunday. He is very much struggling t9 walk a few yards now because of the bone pain. It’s awful. 


  • Hi Triplets,

    my hubby was started in HT injections at stage 4 which reduced the pain in a couple of weeks. 
    he is also 71… lots of hope and treatments even at stage 4! Sit tight. I’m thinking if you both and sending love.

    louli x

  • Hello Louli your message has greatly lifted my hopes for my brother. I have just peeped at your profile and see their diagnosis is similar though we haven’t got the whole picture yet as still awaiting scans and results. He has so far seen a urologist, had a nuclear scan and a CT scan. Next Sunday he has a MRI just on the prostate and still waiting for a bone scan. I don’t know what they will be able to do about his pelvis where all the pain is. It has a Lytic lesion, the bone is eaten away. He lives alone though his two daughters aren’t too far away and are being very supportive. Such a scary disease, my husband has survived stage 4 bowel cancer and I am in remission from stage 1 ovarian cancer. Good luck to your husband and thank you. x


  • Awe that’s great to know that you’ve benefitted from something I’ve said. By total coincidence today we spoke to our nurse specialist who explained that despite being stage 4 with an aggressive form of the disease my husbands prognosis is years! With still plenty of other options to try should his PSA start to rise again. 

    My you have been through the mill yourself lovely! It sounds like you guys are made of strong stuff and your brother will be the same once he gets his head around everything.

    Wishing you all continued success in beating these cancers. 


    Louli x