Stiff Ankles & Calves

  • 9 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi, since starting on Zoladex around 4 months ago, I have started suffering from very stiff ankles & calf muscles - it feels as if the achilles tendon is very tight & makes walking difficult.

This occurs first thing in the morning or if I have been sitting for a short length of time (20mins or more) - after a couple of minutes or so of walking it does ease up, but in that period I am just about staggering around & feel very unstable. Going down stairs first thing in the morning is difficult & after my journey into work I find walking the short distance from the car park quite painful.

I did mention it to the nurse when getting my Zoladex implant but she said she hadn't heard of anyone else suffering from this.

Does anyone else suffer from this & know if it is a side effect of the HT?

  • Sorry, not heard of anything like it: I'd check it out with your GP, it may be something completely unrelated.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi my Dad has had the same symptoms and is now on water tablets which have helped. He is on firmagon and was on enzaltutamide but this was stopped until he had a heart scan and hoping he might go back on it next week. The water tablets have definitely helped him might be worth a chat with the GP. 

  • Now it makes perfect sense!

    HT can effect the body's 'fluid handling', and many of us old gits are already on the edge of Swollen Ankles, so it can bring that on - if PdF can describe the problem as 'tightness', that's almost certainly (though not definitely!) the answer. Off to the GP!!

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Never heard of this so best to go to your GP and ask for advice.  You can get muscle pains with HT so keeping fit and mobile is good as it helps with all possible side effcts.

  • Thanks for the answer.
    I am doing as much exercise as I can - regular walks, I walk into town (3 miles) typically twice a week & physically active most weekends one way or another.
    I will get an appointment with the GP as soon as I can.

  • Thanks for the answer, as you say it could be a complete coincidence it started at the same time as the HT. I will get an appointment with the GP as soon as I can.

  • Thanks for the answer. I will get an appointment with the GP as soon as I can.

  • Hi PdF

    Zoladex is a type of hormone treatment and whilst I have not been prescribed it, I have had various other forms of hormone treatment and have suffered from the same  problem of stiff ankles and calves and also, swollen feet. As you say, it is always worse in the mornings or after sitting in the car for a few hours.

    I have spoken to numerous specialists, including some at the Royal Marsden, and have yet to find a solution to the problem. All I do is keep as active as possible, even when don't really feel like it!

    I'm a little surprised that your nurse had not heard of this before as it is a fairly common side effect with this drug.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Andy, thanks for the reply. It's seems very few people here have had a similar problem too, but I will try to get an appointment with my GP as soon as I can - though that may not be quick where I live.
    As far as keeping active, I am doing as much as I can - I walk as much as possible, the traffic is bad around where I live, so it is often quicker to walk the three miles into town than use a car or bus. Alternate weekends, I do voluntary work which pretty much keeps me fully active for 8hrs a day. Once I get moving things are OK, it's just the initial few minutes, especially if stairs are involved.
    Again, thanks & all the best to you.