Oncology Update

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  • 111 subscribers

Further to previous posts, we had our first Oncology appointment today for stage 4 advanced metastatic prostate cancer. We were dreading it but the Oncologist was lovely and very thorough. 
 Scans showed hubby has hot spots on pelvic bone, spine x3 and one rib and one shoulder. All quite small really but still not curable. Also both lungs have two tiny spots between 4-8mm in each.
It could’ve been a lot worse! New treatment starts next week called Zytiga. It’s in addition to his injection Prostap 3.it was explained to us that both drugs irradiate testosterone production throughout the body. This cuts off the cancer’s food supply in essence putting it into hibernation for a period of time.
She explained some prostate cancers can hibernate for months and some for several years but no way of knowing which men will have a better outcome.
If it becomes resistant to the meds then there’s chemotherapy and even after that there is another type of chemo they can introduce. So thankfully hubby has had a good response to the injection early on so the Signs are currently in his favour.
Onwards and upwards hoping that side effects are tolerable  and that we are on a good path. Thanks to everyone for your kind feedback and support. We find this group crucial to our mental health, insightful and as important as treatment itself.

  • Louli

    I had a similar chat with my oncologist but i am on Degarelix with the Abiraterone (Zytiga), it is Ok just need to get a good routine going. I have found that if I have the Abiraterone as soon as I get up then have breakfast later(1-2hrs) I definitely meet the eating rules around there use.

    Has your husband been put on Prednisolone as well as this is usually prescribed alongside the Abiraterone to help. Side effects I have are the inevitable hot flushes and some constipation but otherwise its ok.

    All the best with your hubbys treatment


  • Hi

    You sound in a much healthier mind, now you know that not only is your husband being treated, but there’s  a plan A and B as a back up which is very good. I always ask what’s the next step when I see my oncologist even if it’s for a routine visit.

    Your husbands diagnosis is nearly the same as mine in the bones, ask about Alca D3 it helps strengthen the bones and anything is a help to us even the small things, it’s not essential but look up a supplement called Pomi-T I’ve took it since I was diagnosed, don’t know if it helps me, but again it’s not harmful and if it helps keep PSA down that’s another plus.

    The medication he’s been given is very good, I’m on prostap.3 as well have been for over five years so it does work and arberaterone is a first class treatment I’m on its rival called enzalutamide not quite as harsh but still effective.

    Now that you have things moving forward, please try and enjoy Christmas I’m sure you will both have many to come.

    stay safe


  • Unfortunately we found out just over a month ago that my Dads only hibernated for three months on Zytiga and his psi has more than doubled every 14 days

    his age rules chemo out so now they are looking at sone new treatment but they think it’s too fast now to stop but they might be able to control pain. However it increasies pain level before easing it - a bit like radiotherapy but this is injected into the blood and clings onto cancer in bones wherever it is …. Not sure he will be strong enough to wait for treatment 

    i feel incredibly sad and dread helping him through the difficult times ahead but he’s 90 and there are young men in here with their lives ahead of them facing the same … then the guilt hits 


  • Thank you Keith it’s lovely to hear your kind words and sound advice. Yes Prednisolone too and adcalD3 after he has seen his dentist due to potential side effects affecting the jaw.. all good.. he is bothered with his stomach but loves a routine so hopefully it won’t upset his tummy before breakfast. I will keep you posted!


  • Thank you Joe.. yes we both slept a lot better last night! I am confident we can have a lovely Christmas grateful for every moment. Just read your message to hubby and he is greatly encouraged to hear you are still to the fore after 5 years and I’m sure you will continue to go from strength to strength. When we were given the news over the phone 6 weeks ago it was brutal and it’s now clear that the person didn’t really have the skills to give that kind of news never mind over the phone. 
    anyway that is behind us now and we are happy to be in the care of our Oncologist and off course the support of our group members here. Thanks Joe:)

  • Hi SJ1963,

    please don’t feel guilty about feeling heartbroken about your dad. Every life is precious and at 90 you’ve had him a very long time. It is so sad for you and I know exactly how you are feeling. During the last lock down I cared for my dad who was terminally ill for three months before his passing on the 20th of January this year. Aged 83. Reach out to Macmillan via a gp referral and your local hospice as soon as you feel up to it. They will offer tremendous pain relief to your dad who should not be suffering. This will allow you to be concerned with being a loving daughter making precious memories with your dad and not taking on the full responsibility of care. We shared a brilliant sense of humour and got through lots with humour. Yes there were tears but I am so glad I had this time with him. I felt no guilt for the relief I felt when he passed. I was exhausted but grateful to have been there with him. 
    Although I hope he does manage to get access to further treatment if that’s what he wants and needs. Much love to you… x

  • SJ1963


    can you remember the name of the new treatment at all?? it sounds fascinating.. do you think it might be part of a clinical trial??