Blood sugar levels

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  • 111 subscribers

After nearly 18 months of Zoladex jabs ( every 3 months) I still need to pee 3 or 4 times a night. When I asked the doc if Zoladex can increase your blood  sugar levels, he said no, but the Zoladex info says yes? Anyone got any answers please? I did have a diabetes test back in 2020 which came back negative.

  • Well it's quite clear from the Zoladex website:

    In men, there is an increased risk for developing diabetes or worsening of glucose control, if you already have diabetes, if you are treated with drugs like ZOLADEX.

    It doesn't surprise me that your GP is ignorant of this as I found both my GP and Diabetes clinic nurse didn't know that both Prostap & Cyproterone have the same effect. I have now stopped taking both drugs and I'm hoping that my recently diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes will go into remission.

    It might be worth making your GP aware of the Zoladex website:

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Thanks for confirming what I suspected. I will ask my nurse at my next jab in November for an up to  date blood sugar/diabetes test, cos I'm fed up with nightly loo visits!!

    Best wishes


  • Try adjusting the way you take your fluids. I had a problem with nocturia so I started drinking a lot more in the morning and nothing after 6pm. It's not totally fixed but I don't have nearly as many loo visits in the night. I still drink about 2 litres per day but just at a different time.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • I have had the same thing happen. As instructed I drank a lot of water while having radiotherapy. I finished a very successful treatment with PSA down to 0.03. Weeks after finishing treatment I found that I was still drinking a lot of water. This thirst is a sign of diabetes and after a blood test they found my blood glucose levels were at ballistic levels. I was started on Gliclazide immediately. My bloodwork had a lot of high markers especially CA 19-9 which shows up in pancreatic cancer. They were so worried I was booked in for a CT scan with iodine contrast injection to check for pancreatic cancer. I have just had the the results and I am completely clear of cancer in the abdomen. I looked up Prostap side effects and they warn of hyperglycemia. I believe all my weird symptoms have been caused by the hormone treatment so I will not be having my next Prostap injection in  November. I do not want to put others off this treatment as it only seems to happen in a small percentage of patients.


  • Hi Dougie

    Are you going on another HT drug in November or are you just going to refuse the jab? If so have you discussed this with your cancer specialist?

    I would be a little concerned about dropping the Prostap unilaterally without a replacement.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Stuart, I decided not to have the next Prostap injection but wanted to discuss this with my specialist. I phoned her secretary and asked for a call back but it has been a week and no contact. The secretary asked me what was my problem and I explained about the high blood glucose readings and it being a potential side effect. She said where did I get that info, off Google ? I told her it was from the manufacturer of the drug, and she had never heard of it, like my GP who also did not know of this potential problem that occurs with about 10% of users. I believe some people have the problem without realising it because they have not been tested. The symptoms can be subtle.

    Regards, Dougie.

  • Hi Dougie

    Fair enough and I wasn't trying to tell you what to do!

    I'm in the same position as you. Following a 6 monthly blood test the GP told me my blood sugars were too high.

    About a year ago, they suggested I attend a diet webinair as the BS were a little high. I thought after attending, and taking on board what was said, it would have at least stabilised ( my diet wasn't too far away from what they want). This wasn't the case, it had gone up!

    Not sure if I picked it from here, or not, but I queried whether it was the Prostap ( the increase in the BS readings seemed to tie in) the GP didn't know. So I Googled it , spoke to Macmillan and also my CNS and all agree, it's likely to be the Prostap.

    I find this a bit scary!

    Anyway, hope your consultant comes up with a solution which solves your problem. I would be interested if they do!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • If you have blood sugar issues related to HT, then it would be wise to get them managed, rather than stop the HT. 

    The effects seem to largely limited to people who already have diabetes, or who are borderline; additionally, the effects will wear off once the HT course is complete (no help for those on HT indefinitely, granted)

    Also, the peeing 3 or 4 times a night could be something else. Worth checking.

    HT can be pretty horrible, but stopping it can be even more horrible, in the longer term. First try to deal with it.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi Stuart, I don't know what you picked up from my post, I was not arguing with you just relaying  info regarding my present situation ?  Up to today I have had no medical practitioner respond to my situation, the specialist lady who is handling my Prostap treatment has not returned my call to her secretary 2 weeks ago.

    Regards, Dougie

  • Hi Dougie

    I appreciate that you weren't arguing I just thought my first post may have been mis construed and was trying to correct .

    All good!



    Trying to get fit again!