Exercise and Advanced Prostrate Cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I was diagnosed in July (sadly very late) and have been on Firmagon injections ever since. I'm expecting to go on Enzalutamide in a couple of weeks. My oncologist believes in tackling the cancer when patients are strong.  

So today I cycled 30 miles, albeit on a ebike, because it felt good. I try to get to the gym three times a week with a kilometre rowing, some striding (all low impact), weights and with a rewarding swim at the end.

I feel stronger and a lot better than when I was diagnosed in the summer with severe bone pain.

So the questions is, is this doing me good? Can it delay the worst symptoms and decline? I suspect the answer is yes as long as it's in moderation but would appreciate any other experiences of using exercise to manage side effects.



  • . Keep it up for as long as you can.  All very good for you

  • Prostate cancer treatments are generally no picnic, so keeping yourself as fit as you can is almost certainly the right way to go.

    I've never seen any evidence that it has a direct effect on the cancer, but helping you through the treatment is still a plus.

    But don't obsess on it: if you drive yourself too hard you'll simply exhaust yourself, and failing to meet unrealistic targets will set you back.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi Sussex20

    I too was diagnosed with PCa too late for many treatments but have been on various hormone drugs and chemo which can knock the stuffing out of you. Keeping as fit as possible without over doing it is good for body and soul and will help you cope with some of the treatments you will be offered to you in the future.

    You may find that the gym becomes hard work as the effects of your hormone treatment kick in. I now walk as much as possible and occasionally cycle. Gardening is also very therapeutic and helps to take one's mind away from those dark thoughts we all face from time to time.

    I doubt very much that exercise will delay your symptoms but it will enable you to face the future with more confidence. It will also help you look and feel better as hormone treatment usually results in a loss of muscle tone and weight gain.

    Sitting about doing nothing is the worst thing that any cancer patient should do!

    Very best wishes.

  • Thanks all. All good advice. I have read somewhere that too much cycling is bad for the prostrate but like everything I'm sure it's ok in moderation. I also enjoy gardening so was thinking about some of the more heavy digging jobs for the autumn whilst I'm fit and well.

    I do recommend some gentle weights work to help compensate for the longer term effects of hormone therapy. I guess the big test will be once I start on Enzalutamide.  


  • Hi

    Any excersize you can do is all good, stops you from seizing up, I was the same first few years gym excersize etc then covid hit and that’s now gone out the door, although I do have a mini excersize bike no seat just a put on the floor and peddle thing.

    When you start the enzalutamide ( which I’m on ) it will slow you down, fatigue, tiredness, joint pain, but it is a good medication and when you get used to it, you will be able to do some of the things you do now.

    My PSA was 893 so I know what very late in finding was all about, do not know much about firnagon I’m on prostap3.

    Keep up the good work with what your doing, try to avoid over doing it bones put under stress to much OK now in a few years might come back to bite you.

    Stay safe


  • Thanks. Those are reassuring words. I'm still working but due to retire soon. I think I will tell my work of the potential impact of Enzalutamide.