Planning Scan

  • 15 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have got my planning scan for RT on 1st October I live 70 miles from the treatment hospital, how can I use the micro enema 2 hours before my appointment when I have a 90 minute drive to the hospital before my appointment.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

  • Hi. I found that they worked pretty quickly so maybe arrive 20 minutes early and use it then.

    Best of luck.

  • Hi

    I agree with Stromness - this is what I did whenever using an enema.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi John I agree with the other guys, just do all the enemas at the hospital, it's only to empty the bowel around the gland, so it is quick and easy.

    All the best Ulls

  • I didn't use mine until I got to the hospital arriving early.  You will find out how quickly it works at the planning scan usually.

  • Thanks for all your replies, all helpful.  
    I have also been prescribed 48no micro enemas, is this a hint of how many fractions I will require. I don’t want to keep on hassling the consultant, I know they are busy. Although I am happy for the treatment to happen I am very nervous and perhaps I little bit scared

    thank you in advance 

    John1963. X

    John 1963

  • Hi John

    From memory, I think they gave me a few extras. I don't recall anyone having anywhere near 48 sessions.

    Have you had a letter from the hospital explaining the process? If so, it should tell you how many you will be having.

    Really don't worry about it - the RT process is very straightforward.

    One thing I always recommend, is to get hold of a diet sheet from the RT team, and follow it rigidly - I didn't and not funny!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • At my cancer centre they only gave the microenemas for half of the RT process obviously that's just the way they work or the wya my consultant worked - other cancer centres and other consultants will be different.  You should have a letter from the centre stating how many RT sessions you are having - you will also probably use on at the planning scan and sometimes one or two is wasted when the physio therapist shows you how to use it before the planning scan.  I had my enemas given to me every week as they were watching the prostate as it changed in shape to see where it lay so as soon as it moved slightly from the effects of radiotherapy they stopped the enemas.

  • On my planning appointment and subsequently there was no mention of  an enema and I had all 20 sessions without one. They did however say my bladder wasn't full and I had to drink 750ml of water before treatment. I have a 45min drive each way and never needed a toilet stop but had it been longer you can get bottles for relief to use in the car.

    Good luck and I'm sure it will all be far easier than you think.

    Regards Reg 

  • Thank you for all your replies. Its been a great help.

    John 1963

  • Hi John, I was given a box of 24 enamas at the planning meeting, the letter I received said I was having 6 fractions of RT I asked why so many and was told just in case, I tried to return the enamas at my final fraction, but they would not take them back.

    I asked about a diet sheet, told not nessessary just eat and drink normally.
