such good news - but feel hollow

  • 14 replies
  • 117 subscribers

Good morning eveyone  

I hope your all keeping as well as you can and staying safe .

I tbought i would give you a update and share some news given to me this morning .

After 4 years of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and treatment in between today was that call i was dreading , blood test results 

Im still in shock and may seam silly or wrong a hollow feeling after being told psa results was .0001 . 

I cant thank the Doctors  and Nurses for who i wouldnt be here.

The support and kind messages of hope i received from everyone on here , I thank you all.

I had a radical prostatectomy 4 years ago when i was 51 , i have to say its a horrible feeling and does take a while to get over it . 

15 months later i was told my psa had never left and was rising , i was devastated, after ct scans it showed it was in my lymph nodes and prostate bowl. I was put on hormone tablets and a course of hormone injections for a year, with Radiotherapy to start in September last year .

With everything that went on and side effects of the treatment, to get this call today it was worth the fight.

so please no mater what stage you are at  and how you are feeling stay strong and keep fighting this horrible disease .

Thank you all for being there in the low times and the good times .

please if anyone needs a ear to bend come over and say hi .
