My PCA Journey update

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I posted the original discussion.topic 8 months ago titled “MY PCA JOURNEY” when I was having a bit of a meltdown to be honest. Thought I would give a bit of an update.

I had a consultation with my oncologist in October 2020, good news, PSA score was 0.01, bad news was my testosterone level was none existent. A legacy of this is that I was still feeling depressed (some pretty dark day were had), terrible insomnia (averaging 3 hours a night), aches and pains in joints, no energy, no libido and ED. During the discussion it was agreed that I should try and give Tadalafil (5mg) a go to address my ED issues and to prevent penile atrophy.

Had a blood test in January 2021, checked my PSA (0.01) and testosterone (2.4) levels. Good news that my testosterone is starting to make an appearance. Still very low, normal range between 9 - 31 depending who you talk to. Also the tadalafil tablets are working, starting to get erections and my libido is increasing. My mood was also improving, although I still had off days.

Had another consultation in April 2021, PSA (0.03), testosterone (7.4). Testosterone still below normal levels, but improving. PSA increasing, to be expected apparently. Sexual health improving, if I had to give a percentage I would say I am about 80% back to normal. Sleeping better, depression has gone, still got a few aches and pains but a lot better than previously. Overall, I am doing ok at the moment and can see a future again, when at onetime it was a case of just getting through the day.

So going forward, going to drop tadalafil dose down from 5mg to 2.5mg daily and see how I go on, with the objective of coming of them before the end of 2021.

Will give another update after my next consultation in October 2021. 

