Zoladex withdrawal symptoms.

  • 18 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Dear All,

I have been withdrawing from Zoladex since March 2020 and have just started with some severe head aches, hot flushes increasing and a bit more sporadic lethargy.

Has anyone on the group experienced the same symptoms when withdrawing from Zoladex ?

Best regards,


  • Hi Peter, I cannot comment on Zoladex but I came off PROSTAP in 2019 after 21 months on it and can’t remember getting headaches etc a year later. Have you discussed this with your GP?


  • I had no problems when I came off Zoladex, but it's powerful stuff, and your body has become accustomed to it. If you have any other conditions (such as hypertension), especially if you take other medication, it may be that the change has affected them. But whatever it is, definitely check with your GP as Ido4 suggests.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thanks Ido4, yes I’ve had that conversation but can’t put a finger on the reason for the headaches. It seems to be ok now so apart from a lack of libido all is well.

  • Thank you Heinous, no hypertension and gaining more energy month by month and lacking libido which may not come back I understand! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Peter I had 3courses of Zoladex and my 4th was due in November but as I'd finished my course of radiotherapy I didn't get the 4th one,so I haven't had any since August but I still suffer from the hot flushes and a bit of confusion (which drives my OH mad). What I would like to know is how long will it take to get over the Zoladex and lose the side effects. Other than that all looks good so far. 

  • I was on Prostrap and had 3 x 3 month injections so essentially 9 months.  My last injection was just 2 weeks before starting radiotherapy.  My onc said the side effects would take about the same 9 months to a year to slowly fade away. He was right and by one year post treatment I was back to normal in all departments.  Well as normal as  I was before treatment anyway.  The hot flushes were probably the last to disappear but they never bothered me too much and to be honest didn't really notice them until they were fading away.

  • Hi David,

    I was on Zoladex for 2 years and finished in March 2020 and still getting hot flushes and confusion. I have been told that it takes 18 months for Zoladex to work out of the system so 6 months to gThumbsup tone1

  • Hi Freefaller, I am glad you have hot through the side effects, I am hoping I am back to normal by the end of the year SmileyThumbsup tone1

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Habitat

    Hi Habitat looks like I have a little while to go yet, but now, at least I know some of what to expect. Thanks for your help. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi all,  I've just been told that I can stop taking Zoladex, My oncologist says that they will check my PSA at 3 monthly intervals, it is currently almost zero.I was on Bicalutamide for 4 months, Prostap for a few months but couldn't get along with it. All in all 26 months of hormone therapy. I had 20 sessions of narrow beam radiotherapy ending in August 2019. I have hot flushes, stomach problems and almost non-existent labido. For the hot flushes I take Sertraline, I tried evening primrose oil, it didn't help. I would really like to hear from those who had similar and what sort of recovery i can expect ?