Enlarged Prostrate effecting Kidney

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  • 108 subscribers

Hi hoping to finding out information for my Dad.

He was diagnosed 3 years plus. His condition is managed with injections of Zolidex (Hope correct spelling). 

His PSA (hoping this is correct to) is low and stable.

Last year we noticed my Dad had bruising on his arms, we thought he kept banging his arms on doors etc as he is unstable on his feet and he is 86.

Took my Dad for his usual routine injection. And the nurse was concerned about the bruises and took a blood test.

The following day we received a phone call from the hospital to bring my Dad in as the test showed he was poorly. 

It was his kidney's , he now has 2 nephrostomy tubes.

He was in Hospital for 6 weeks during Covid. We where unable to visit through this difficult time. 

As a family we received no or little information on what was the cause, this was last June. 

Only one of his kidney's is functional, the other not. The one that is not working was infected, had to rush him in to hospital to have the tubes removed and cleaned after 2 lots antibiotics not working. 

Forwarding on the infection is still with him, rather than it coming out of his back, it is now draining down the tube into the bag.

Last week I made an appointment with the Doctor as the hospital took a sample the week before when they cleaned out the pussy infection. It was a battle to get the results, the Doctors receptionist had to step in and get them.

When i was there at the Doctors with my Dad, I asked what was the cause of his kidney failure, as a family we where not given any information at all. I said to him was it because his prostate is enlarged and pressing on is kidney? He said yes and that was all the info he gave me. I couldn't ask more as he jumped in to asking my Dad how he felt, was he eating etc. My Dad said yes he was fine, he wasn't, I then interrupted he wasn't. Was ignored, I could see my Dad was confused and Distressed and didn't peruse it further.

One of the nurses in the Doctors was doing a blood test, and was concerned how he was looking, as they see him regularly. She couldn't get any as his veins where collapsing. He was dehidraited she said. That was why he was confused irratable state. 

Two weeks on give or take a few days, he has been on another 2 lots of antibiotics. The puss is now coming back out his back, we are thinking the tube is blocked. We made numerous phone calls to the hospital to see if we could get him in. We where told to take him to A and E. Hours later we got the phone call to collect him. When I got there the Doctor apologised for the wasted journey they are keeping him in as the tube is not in the right place.

He was in a ward, Nil by mouth 2 days waiting for the tube to be placed in the right place. It didnt  happen.

He was admitted on Tuesday. Saturday we got the phone call to collect him. We received a phone call again that he will have to stay in over night as the pharmasist was closed when they wanted to discharge him. And also told he will now be treated as an out patient !!!!!!!

So sorry this is a long brief, it's taken 5 attempts to post this.

This is where we are as a family. We have so many questions. It is his present state we are looking for answers, or at least have some one to tell us, speak to us about his latter condition???

Thank you for your time all xx

  • SonPoe, sorry to read about your Dad’s situation. It would be useful to know a bit more about his prostate issues. Do you know if he has had radiotherapy or surgery and what his diagnosis numbers were?  For example Gleason score and staging. 
    I am not aware of an enlarged prostate causing kidney problems directly but I guess if it is causing bladder problems that could lead on to kidney damage if not resolved.

    Normally being on Zoladex would shrink the prostate substantially and given his PSA is low that would tie in with that. Do you know what his PSA is?

    Hopefully others will chip in too. Take care,
