How are you... brachy looms

  • 3 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Just responding to Rachel (Macmillan community team) who suggested that it’s good to state or ask ‘how are you feeling today’. Well, it’s 2 weeks tomorrow that I have been taking the hormones in advance of my brachy seed implants. Tablets are bicalutamide , 1 every day, and tamoxifen 2 per week. So far I feel fine! I’m running 5 miles every other day, so same as before. I’m a little worried about growing boobs and have checked my chest measurements to keep an eye on what’s going on there.

other worry is at the other end... libido is lacking I think. Is this going to get more difficult? Should I be doing anything about it? The saying ‘if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it’ does worry me, so should I be doing something about this now?

I don’t like taking any tablets (I’m still grr grr with hormone tablets) but does this mean viagra at some point?

and to repeat Rachel’s message.... anyone on the brachy path, how are you doing? Support, when going into the unknown, is definitely needed here... so please chat!

best wishes to all....

  • As soon as you stop taking the HT any side effects you have will slowly subside as the HT leaves your body.  I was completely back to normal within a year of stopping the HT.  I had HT for 9 months followed by RT but my brother had HT followed by brachy and within 3 months of stopping was back to normal - he is younger than me so maybe that is why.  He did have some urinary problems in the first 3 months after brachy but was given medication and like I said all clear and back to normal in 3 months.  Shame really because he always was a hyperactive little tyke so I feel his wife could have done with him having more down time!  LOL. 

  • Ha ha ... well done your brother! That’s reassuring, freefaller, so thanks! When you say your brother is younger, do you mind me asking his age? It’s strange, I’m 65, and my brother is one year older. He’s recently had hifu for cancerous cells on one side only of prostate. Mine is bilateral, hence the brachy route. Also strange is that he had no symptoms and neither have I... this pc thing seems to be the same with most, loads of men feel well but we ain’t!

  • He was just over 70 when he had his treatment.  He was 70 at the beginning of the July and had the brachy at the end of August.  He can be a little S*D and always has been - We used to have to share a bedroom until I left home and he was a menace with blonde hair and a cute smile.  Apparently after I left home he was even worse with our little sister.  Stubborn, obstinate but always had my back!