Prostate cancer recovery

  • 27 replies
  • 114 subscribers

My husband finished radiotherapy (20 days) at the beginning of August 2020. He still has 3 monthly hormone injections. He was lucky that he didn't have a lot of side effects during the radiotherapy apart from fatigue. He is 75 and relatively fit. 

Lockdown hasn't helped anyone and he struggles with that. He has nights where he can go for hours without having to go to the toilet and then a few nights of having to get up 3 or 4 times. When it's settled he is quite upbeat but as soon as it changes he worries. I totally understand that but he constantly has to analyse it over and over again. He knows that he does this. He also sleeps after breakfast when he's like this. 

I have suggested that he joins this forum but he says that he's not that kind of person!  I know when he was receiving radiotherapy, chatting with the other men really helped. He won't contact his named nurse for support either. 

Are the symptoms that I have mentioned common in recovery and do they dissipate or remain?  

Does anyone have any suggestions for encouraging him to seek advice?

I realise that he is probably terrified that it may return but when he's feeling well he says that he's getting back to normal and that he has more energy. 

Any advice would be gratefully received. 


  • Hi Holly

    Sorry what you both have been through, your husband with the cancer, you looking on unable to help except doing what you can, extremely distressing, I know as my wife is so stressed you all do a great job.

    Its only natural for him to worry, it’s a why me thing, then once the therapy has finished, it’s am I safe, everyone goes through this. Plus the weather and covid don’t help, not able to see family or friends. Time is a good thing, he must have some things he like doing round the house, with me it’s cooking, plus I love to write in the last year I’ve compleated three books and have six others on the go. Never wrote before but I do have a great imagination non published just fun.

    We are always here to chat wether it’s private message or just on here we’re very open.

    Take care and Stay Safe


  • Hi Joe

     Sorry not very good with the boxes yet!  Thanks for your kind words.

    I just feel frustrated that I can't help him. I know Covid hasn't helped. He has a music studio in the garden and does enjoy spending time there.  We miss being able to get away for a couple if days. Anyway we are plodding on, like everyone else.  I wish he enjoyed cooking lol. Enjoy your writing and well done. 



  • Hi Holly

    I  was similar after my RT in March 2017. I thought that all problems would be over but the reality was that they had just started, mentally I mean. I did suffer a lot from anxiety which I believe is fairly common after treatment.  It does get better over time as long as you have things to fill your time and take away the constant thinking, also  plenty of exercise. Obviously Covid doesn't help.

    I did try some counselling for six weeks which did help but I probably needed longer.

    You talk about encouraging him to seek advice but it sounds like he is doing Ok, these forums are not for everyone but you can get some good advice when needed.

    Possibly he doesn't want to talk about it anymore, try not to talk about it unless he starts talking about it. 

    Its only 6 months since treatment ended, I am sure that when spring arrives and Covid departs he will feel better

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    you are both suffering anxiety I guess

    Its to be expected.I still go to the toilet 5 times a night.

    Getting many vivid dreams Due to the interrupted sleep pattern

    Try not to talk much about the problems if its not helping 

    let it come from him when he wants to talk

    Instead just get on with the activities of daily life and try to enjoy life as far as possible.

    Wishing you both well


  • I finished RT in March 2019 and when I did the nurse I saw on the last day asked me how many times I got up at night to visit the toilet and my reply was about once every 3 to 4 weeks. Her reply was it will be 3 or 4 times a night soon and she was right. But it has slowly improved I now have have sometimes five or more nights when I don't get up a tall and when I do it's only once. We are of a similar age and the  improvement is slow and of course every one can be affected differently. I also get depressed on the Hormone Therapy especially around injection time  and it is also another cause of fatigue. The whole treatment I have found unpleasant but better than the alternative

    Good luck with future treatment and results.

    Best regards  Reg   

  • Hi Steve,

    Thank you so much for your reply. It's helpful to know that the anxiety is a symptom of the treatment. 

    Take care,


  • Hi Alex,

    Thank you for responding to my post. He also has horrible dreams when he's up and down. 

    Take care,


  • Thank you for your reply Reg.  His recovery has been a bit like yours. One thing that didn't even occur to me was the anxiety when hormone injection is due!!  

    Really helpful, thank you. 


  • Holly 

    Also the hormone therapy just adds to the problems, when that finishes things should improve as well , side effects can take a while to tail off 
