Side effects

  • 12 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi to you all. 
I am 18 months down the road from a radical prostatectomy with a nerve saving procedure. 
The consultant has told me it could take between 2-5 years for me to get an erection. But then he followed up by saying that it might never come back. 
I thought that I had come to terms with this issue,but atm I am struggling coming to terms with the side effects of the operation. 
I was in a relationship until my operation and 7 weeks post operation she walked away from me after 11 months. I started dating this woman after a year and told her about my operation after 3-4 weeks only to be told that she didn’t want to continue seeing me. 
I have lost my confidence and I am struggling to come to terms with my eds. 

I must add that I am grateful to be alive as I was only 53 and to be told  I had aggressive prostrate cancer which had spread to all my pipes and tubes and during my op they also removed 4 lymph nodes which came back negative. 
Just really asking for advice or other people’s predicaments. 

  • I am 51 not quite the same predicament. I am also on hormone therapy so unable and have no desire. Sildenefil caused headaches, cialus didn't work. Vacuum pump currently ineffective. I'm about to try injections, this i hope will help with bladder control. I recently peed between toilet and seat due to shrinkage 

    I hope you can get some help. My wife wasn't interested in sex before and is not concerned about loss of sex life. 

    If anything it's helped in that i no longer feel neglected

  • Hello

    I have Gleason 9 and was operated in February 2020 I am 69 years old.

    I am now doing radiotherapy as my PSA started to go up again after initial 0.09 is now 0.2.

    Concerning the side effects after the OP.

    I was surprised that  a couple of months after the OP  I was able to achieve an orgasm soft and dry but yes it worked just with stimulation.

    In  July I used a medication called virrirec which contains alprostadil which is a cream,this caused an erection that was a bit uncomfortable because perhaps the whole wound healing was not perfect.(but was solid)

    I now fear wit the radiotherapy that sensations will no longer be any good but I must admit I am in week 5 of RT next week and strangely one week ago I again  tried and achieved an orgasm (not with erection) just with stimulation.

    So I know it depends on the individual but there is hope.

    I had no nerve sparing in my OP and still feel quite a lot in that area.

    I also found if I take mariujana oil somehow there is a reaction where blood flows better.

    This oil also helped relieve the feeling of bladder pressure due to the RT.

    There are many things out there that are not understood and many urologists do not really did deep into this theme (many patients are also not willing to open up)

    Just be patient and try to relax but also maybe try to increase blood flow to the whole area.

    all the best and never give up.

  • Hi you always have a touch of humour...

    Sorry about the bladder control ,sex too...

    My comment below sums up my own experience but the bladder control may be helped by medical mariujana.

    In cancer cases they are allowed to prescribe Sativex.(mainly for pain)

    I myself have tried the oil (with THC)and it has a few beneficial effects.

    First it stops most of the anxiety.

    Second it seems to relax the bladder muscles.

    Thirdly and this surprised me it seems  to increase blood flow and it elongates the penis which is shorter after the OP even though most urologists do not like to concede that fact,

  •  have Gleason 9 and was operated in February 2020 I am 69 years old.

    I am now doing radiotherapy as my PSA started to go up again after initial 0.09 is now 0.2.

    Concerning the side effects after the OP.

    I was surprised that  a couple of months after the OP  I was able to achieve an orgasm soft and dry but yes it worked just with stimulation.

    In  July I used a medication called virrirec which contains alprostadil which is a cream,this caused an erection that was a bit uncomfortable because perhaps the whole wound healing was not perfect.(but was solid)

    I now fear wit the radiotherapy that sensations will no longer be any good but I must admit I am in week 5 of RT next week and strangely one week ago I again  tried and achieved an orgasm (not with erection) just with stimulation.

    So I know it depends on the individual but there is hope.

    I had no nerve sparing in my OP and still feel quite a lot in that area.

    I also found if I take mariujana oil somehow there is a reaction where blood flows better.

    This oil also helped relieve the feeling of bladder pressure due to the RT.

    There are many things out there that are not understood and many urologists do not really did deep into this theme (many patients are also not willing to open up)

    Just be patient and try to relax but also maybe try to increase blood flow to the whole area.

    all the best and never give up.

  • I am not quite sure why my reply to MARKJP keeps landing in your intray,sorry,but my reply may be of interest to you.

    all the best 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Troc

    Hi many thanks for your help regarding this topic. 
    I too have tried viagra and a pump but to no avail. It has been suggested that I try the injection. Has anyone had any luck with this?

     I’m at the stage where I’ve been single now for 18 months and after a few encounters I am now loosing my confidence and I am suffering from anxiety because I’m worried about rejection. 

    has anyone else had this. 

  • . I have appointment this week to try. I’m on hormone so rather than for sex it’s more about penis health. I’ll let you know how I get on.

    I’m 51 and my consultant told me that sex will not happen. My wife and I am okay with that, that’s where the love of a great woman helps.  I hope you can find someone who will want to be with you and not just for sex

  • Try the Virrirec cream it is inserted in the tip,it worked within an hour for me and I had no nerve sparing.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Troc

    Hi troc 

    I have received all the info for injections and the referral for the actual injection has been sent to my Dr. 
    so I am arguing with myself about whether to try it out. 

    kindest regards to you all

  • I’m due to try it on Wednesday, can but try, even if it only means my todger feels more normal and my night wear doesn’t smell so quickly