Numbness in extremities after radical prostatectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hi to you All,

After my RP I had thought there might be a feeling of numbness in my feet but thought it might be due to the actual moving around on the OP table  which can cause back problems.

The numbness is still there and seems  to be worse when lying down.

I know they cut a few nerves when they do the OP but not able to find any reference to feet (due to the lymph node removal of course there may be other factors at work)

I am currently doing the RT after the biochemical recurrence so do not want to open a new front as have another 21 sessions but if anyone knows about such sensations or lets say loss of them...

all the best and keep safe!

  • There is a lot of nerve disturbance during prostatectomy but always best to get things like that  checked by a neurologist. When did you have your prostatectomy? Sorry you are dealing with recurrence. 


  • Hi

    surgery was February 14.

    Recurrence is yet biological....but a possible cure would only be if I do RT now (with Gleason  9) 

    Am of course worried about the eventual side effects,am on day 16 today of 35 sessions at 2 Gray.

    I will see a neurologist but now came across a piece saying that those who had robotic RP can get problems in legs due to the OP position.

    Does not apply to me ...mine was open

    stay safe