My Dad had prostate cancer and now I have

  • 12 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Just got diagnosed with prostate cancer after my 2nd biopsy Gleason 3 + 4 = 7 but then downgraded to a Gleason 3+ 3 =  6

surgery or active surveillance?

  • Herdsman

    Active surveillance is ok if your psa is lowish, u didn't mention that, and the cancer is contained within the prostate.

    I was on AS for 4 years , it went ok but looking back probably would have started the Radiotherapy a bit earlier, it's all about getting the timing right.



  • Not enough info to advise.
    Is it an adenocarcinoma?
    How was it first discovered?
    Also, we'd need at least your age, PSA initially, and your TNM (Tumour, Nodes, Metastases).
    Even then, there are other factors to consider, including your overall health.
    Plus there are other options you haven't mentioned.
    What do your surgeon AND your oncologist advise?

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    All new to this I have appointment on 3rd September to see a Consultant Urologist about options 

    Ive had 2 biopsy first 1 November 2018 showing some abnormal cells but ok

    most recent was 31  July 2020 

    PSA 5.21

    2 cores with carcinoma



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Will see what the consultant has to say but i feel surgery is my preferred option due to my Dad having prostate cancer?



  • You should also be seeing an oncologist in order to discuss the radiotherapy options.

    Don't try to make a decision right now; you still have MRI and bone scans, and likely other tests too. Then you will be discussed at the multi-disciplinary meeting. The final choice will be yours, but they should present you with options.
    You will need to know your 'TNM', as that will indicate if the cancer has spread (and if so where), and the TNM may also influence treatment options.

    From what you say, spread seems unlikely, but the scans are vital to get the full picture.

    You seem to be 'minded' to go down the surgical route - and that's fine, the majority of men do in the UK - but you should read up on the downsides of each treatment mode, as prostate cancer treatment is probably more life-changing than prostate cancer, and the risks of each option may well influence your final choice.

    And that means you should at least hear what the oncologist has to say, as well as the surgeon (if he's a decent surgeon, he would ensure you had that option).

    The fact of your father's cancer is no longer an issue, now that you have your diagnosis (it was an issue before, in that your risk was higher than someone whose father didn't have prostate cancer): your choice needs to be made on what's best for you.

    Prostate cancer is a very slow, long-term disease; this means that - depending on your age and general health - your decision is something you'll be living with for a very long time. It may also have repercussions on family life and definitely will on your sex life. 

    If you haven't already, take a look at this: Prostate Cancer Toolkit.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • HM

    Your Psa is low , however, looks like u have had 2 biopsies but no MRi scan, is that correct? If u have had one what does it show? Have u only had the one Psa test, if u have had others do u know what they are?

    Sorry to ask so many questions but it does help to give the best advice.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Had MRI scan before biopsy back in november 2018  the scan showed a place to target for biopsy which showed some abnormal cells .first PSA 5.7  then blood tests had lower readings till which came back up over 5.21 

    Cheers kev

    • So your Psa has been hovering around 5 for nearly 2 years, that's quite low and a low gleeson as well
    • Ok, u may have PC but it seems a low key affair.
    • AS is definitely  worth considering , keep monitoring and see how it goes
    • Keep looking at treatments as u may need it one day, possibly surgery or Radiotherapy.                  Hope all goes well
    • Steve
  •   i agree with   your psa is low, you didn't say how many cores were taken i.e 2 out of 3  or 2 out of 20+!  Find out how close to edge and if clear of margins AS would be an option. 

    Then discuss with specialists treatment options pros and cons. Side effects  believe very similar. Look at follow on options of follow on treatment. I'm 52 relatively low psa but had already spread so location is key. Specialist opinion would be key

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to YoungMan

    HI it was 2 cores out of 23 that had PC and were contiained within the prostate