
  • 11 replies
  • 108 subscribers

I haven't been sleeping particularly well since I had radiotherapy in February 2019, but over the last month it has got a lot worse. I now manage about 2 hours a night and then I'm lying awake until it's time to get up. The GP has prescribed Zopiclone which works well and I can get 8 hours after taking one. However, it is very addictive so I am limiting it to no more than two nights a week.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a sleeping aid which I could use for the other five nights every week? Something herbal perhaps.

  • I have been prescribed those too and used them in the past.  A pharmacist friend of mine says just to use them 3 or 4 nights a week so that you can get a good amount of rest.  Other things you may find help are Nytol Herbal, Quiet Night and Sleep Aid.  My wife uses any of these.  Quiet Night from Superdrug has the highest amount of the active ingredient in it and was advertised as a good one on one of those Health and wellbeing programmes as being best value because of the highest amount of the active ingredient.  Sleep Aid is available from Savers and Nytol is the most expensive Unless you get them on special offer where you shop.  My wife tries to change them everytime she has to buy more.

    Hope you manage to get more sleep.  I still struggle especially with tinnitus so have a radio on all night on the World Service and you can guarantee as soon as a good programme comes on I doze off and usually wake just as it finishes.

    Take care,


  • Thanks Des.

    I have tried Nytol but didn't find it very effective so I'll see if Quiet Night works better. There's a Superdrug store in town so I'll take a trip.

    I have had tinnitus for more than 25 years so I'm quite used to that!

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Ordered on line from Superdrug (3 for the price of 2!). Looking forward to some better nights.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Hi, 

    Yes.  My wife gets these on offer too.  We have enough over the counter medication sometimes to start a chemist's shop!

  • FormerMember

    Hello I was on Zopiclone every night previously and took myself 2 years to wean off it. I now use dead sea salt bath in the evening, and also a Pillow Mist from Avon on Amazon. 

  • Yes that is a problem with zopiclone that is why I only use ocassionally.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    I once read that if you can't sleep get up and do something useful. If you are worrying about something get up and break the chain to make a cup of tea or  anything to make a break. I often take the hot  cup of tea to bed and leave it to cool and often its stone cold when I wake up. My particular problem is that I sleep after my lunch  going to bed not just a snooze in armchair  and at night after a nap wake up again. Often  wake in afternoon with atrial fibrillation and beginning to get carpel syndrome  which is numbness in little and ring finger of either hand due to bending at elbow  while asleep. . Atrial fibrillation is quiet often accompanied by a troubled dream . where I have a problem which can't be solved and often involving  motoring. e.g can't find the car and meter is running out .

  • Online order of Quiet Night just arrived, so I hope to get some better sleep tonight.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  • Thanks. A good night last night so let's hope it keeps working.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)