Which painkillers?

  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

I have just taken 2 Co-codamol 30mg/500mg tablets for the pain in my right shoulder due to the Prostate cancer that has metastasized in my bones. I was curious to what medication other people in similar situations were taking for any pain they may be suffering from, on a day to day or week to week basis. I have quite a high tolerance to pain but my consultant & specialist nurses said to me that no one should suffer or put up with pain, so now I do as I`m told and take the tablets......they do help!!

Hope everyone is as pain free as they can be, take care.   Tom

  • Hi I have it in various bones as well, I too take co codamol, but I had it in my shoulder and the pain was unbearable, I took stronger pain killers to help me sleep at night.

    I put it to the oncologist who after me complaining fairly vigorously, gave me one dose of radiotherapy on the shoulder, it improved no end, that was four years ago, still holding up today. Ask about it be positive, keep pushing, they don’t like doing this as it’s a cost thing, but push enough and they may cave in.

    Pain killers are fine but they only mask it, radiotherapy helps a lot.


  • Hi Joe, thanks for your response. Believe it or not, radiotherapy was mentioned in my last telephone consultation. It was the registrar who brought it up during my fortnightly catch up and he said that could be an option for me, he certainly did not rule it out. I`ll mention it to him on Friday when I get another follow up call.  I`m glad your radiotherapy treatment  went so well Joe, four years is a tremendous result.

    All the best,  Tom

  • I've also had radiotherapy discussed as an option. It was made clear that you can only receive this twice so i guess it's knowing when the time is right. Twice due to incidental damage

  • Thanks YoungMan I know what your saying. I will speak to my consultant directly regarding the radiotherapy option but I am not at that point yet. Don`t want to burn my bridges too soon as they say.

    Cheers,  Tom