Biopsy results

  • 10 replies
  • 110 subscribers


Just had a phone call from the hospital to see if I'm available to go in for my Biopsy results tomorrow morning. I've had a MRI scan prior to the biopsy so obviously there is a lesion on the prostate, which as I understood, was being targeted during the procedure.

So tomorrow is the day !! I was hoping there might be someone out there who might be able to guide me in the direction of what questions to ask, so I might get a clear view about what happens next and what to expect during my visit.

Many thanks

  • Hi Avtron and welcome

    You don't say what your psa is or what the Mri shows, is the tumour confined to within the prostate? Assuming it is cancer of course which u won't know until tomorrow.

    Hopefully it is confined and that the Gleeson will show a 6/7 or less, then should be easily treatable.

    The main question I would have would be to ask about the MRI report which, together with the gleeson shoud give u all the info u need, then to see what they suggest ie, active surveillance or treatment.

    All the best for tomorrow and let us know what happens.


  • Hi Steve

    Thanks for the reply. I have only seen images of the MRI scan just before my biopsy and from what I could make out the lesion was within the prostate on the right lower edge. I don't know the Gleeson score, I guess that will be explained to me tomorrow. Fingers crossed it will all be ok.

    I'll let you know how things went later this week.


  • What prompted the MRI Paul, did u have any symptoms or a PSA above the normal ie 4 ish.


  • Just went for a routine blood test and my GP said my PSA was up, referred me to urologist had MRI 3 days later and then biopsy following week. To be perfectly honest it didn't really sink in until I saw the images of the scan. I'm still a little bit dazed by it all. Hopefully tomorrow will shed a little more light on things. Hence the reason for asking what I should be  searching for in regards to questions I should be asking in the morning. 

    I've looked at things on the forum but it's still a little bit confusing. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow to find out if it is cancer or not.


  • Hi Paul can you take anyone with you tomorrow?  It's not unusual to feel dazed & confused; it's the shock. Have you tried phoning the helpline nurses for advice on what to ask? Or you could as you say just wait & see what they say tomorrow.

    Wishing you all the best!

  • Hi Paul

    You're right, it's all very daunting at the beginning but it a get's less confusing as time goes by.  And yes you're right again, wait until tomorrow, see what the results are, it may not be cancer.

    All the best


  • Take someone with you. Write down questions. Research options:- why consultant chooses one over another.



    Active surveillance 



    If surveillance then what are risks. How aggressive do they believe cancer to be. I was offered active surveillance but that would mean another biopsy in 6 months.  I chose against it because thought if i had to go through biopsy every 6 months thought best to deal with it.

    Hope tomorrow is better than you could hope for  I've also got appointment tomorrow so fingers crossed


  • Just a quick update on my hospital visit yesterday. Results in and it is cancer but graded as moderate. Gleeson score of 7. Oncologist next week to determine treatment. Surgery has been ruled out because of complications with previous operation. So it looks like they are going for Brachytherapy. Life goes on as normal lol

  • Sorry to hear Avtron, it's all a bit of a shock when confirmed.

    When a treatment plan is put forward and treatment starts you will feel better.

    Looks like they have caught it in time which is the good news.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks Steve. I feel a lot better now I know what's happening. Like you say, once the treatment starts I'll feel even easier about everything.

    Hope you're keeping well
