Follow-up appointment after biopsy

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  • 108 subscribers

Following on from my post about the MRI results, thought I'd say how the follow-up appointment went. The Specialist Nurse was very nice, and gave us all the information we needed. She didn't go into too much detail about how extensive the bone mets were - so my worries that finding out would really bring my partner down proved unfounded. (I didn't tell him what the MRI report said, and he hasn't asked). Thus far, he doesn't seem any more worried than he did before, which is good. They plan for him to have a CT of soft tissues and to see the oncologist in 3 or 4 weeks time, with a possibility of chemo on top of the hormone therapy.

  • Good to know.  I am sure you were worried sick about this meeting and as often happens there was, in the end, nothing to worry about.  All the best with the scans and hope all goes as well as it can for you both.
