PSA levels !!

  • 5 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi guys 

so we were told  that despite removing the prostate my husbands PSA was 0.05 (not huge but still there) and then in November that it had raised to 0.85 and to await a referral 

we are still waiting , am I panicking or should I be more pro active ??? I have emailed consultant and had no reply 

please help 

  • Hi Kelly

    If you haven't heard by the end of January I would start pushing for a response.

    You need to find out if additional treatment is needed, further tests will all take time.

    Do u have a pathology report, that would indicate if the margins were clear?

    Best wishes


  • I would call the consultants secretary today and ask if your referral has been received?  Sometimes these go astray especially as the Christmas holidays intervened ans people have been off on holidays etc. Just call the hospital number and ask to speak to Mr ...'s secretary and ask in the first instance if the referral has been received and then if an appointment has been made.

    All the best


  • Hi kellyhu, as Grundy and Freefaller have said I would push to get some action.

    When my PSA was rising quickly a year after prostatectomy my GP signed off the 0.3 initial result as normal despite me not having a prostate! I then had a bizarre discussion with him where he told me I was overreacting. After explaining my situation very clearly to him I got a referral followed by scans and oncology appointment.

    My PSA quickly rose to 0.7 a few weeks later.

    Scans followed by an oncology appointment are necessary in your husband’s situation, followed by a treatment plan. Monitoring of PSA velocity will also help advise treatment decisions.


  • Hi Kelly.

    When did your husband have his prostrate removed.  I had mine removed April and had persistent psa 1.7.  I’ve since had chemo and psa now <0.1.

    The Doubling velocity is the key marker, so at least regular bloods to determine.  I would agree with a follow up call to “check how long it’s expected to wait”.

    Regards J

  • FormerMember

    That's a jump.  I had my prostate removed in 2017.  threemonths later my PSA was .05.  It went up from there.  At .28 I started SRT.  I'm three weeks into SRT now.  No noticeable side effects so far.  Wish you and your Man the very best.