Stress awaiting bone scan results

  • 4 replies
  • 108 subscribers


Husband had bone scan last week. Stress of waiting on results is horrible. Husband is itchy all over and feels back pain and hip pain are now worse. It’s really hard at this time of year but I am trying to enjoy Christmas as best I can. Sometimes feel I am walking on egg shells trying to keep family life as normal as I can. Husband has completed hormone tablets and has had 2 Decapeptyl injections. Hope everyone in the same boat as us can enjoy Christmas and get determined to fight this horrible disease.



  • FormerMember

    I can sympathise with your situation, it is really horrible waiting for test results and with this disease that never really ends.  Even after treatment starts, during treatment if its prolonged and even after treatment, there's still tests

    It's easy to say, but for many people with cancer you have to learn to "live with it". This includes living between tests, making the best of the time.

      I appreciate what it must be like to feel you're walking on egg shells. It's probably there at the back of your  mind all the time, but it's difficult to talk about   The results of the bone will come, but  perhaps not at Christmas, later, your husband and you might find it helpful to join a prostate cancer support group where it may easier to talk about worries and hear how other people manage 

    Macmillan Cancer Support should  be able to tell you of any support group hear where you live.

    Phone 0800 808 00 00

  • Hello Helen

    As a person who has it in many of my bones, it’s still liveable with, bit painful at times but as long as your careful not to fall, it’s not to bad. Pain killers and calcium tablets called Alca D3 help strengthen the bones, so there’s things out there that can help, 

    So try not to despair to much, it’s just another thing us incurable sufferers put up with.

    Have a good Christmas 

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for the number. I agree a local support group would be good once we now if cancer is localised or not. Have a good Christmas. We will enjoy the family time before the trips to hospitals in the new year,



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Joe thank you for contacting me. It gives me good ideas of what to discuss with doctor once we get the bone scan results. I find it reassuring that even if it has spread life can continue with some changes. Look after yourself and enjoy  Christmas and the New Year.

