PSA rise after changing to Decapeptyl

  • 22 replies
  • 110 subscribers

I returned from working in Japan on 26th October. I was working over there and as I would miss a Prostap injection my onco gave me a double (24 week) Hormone injection which was Decapeptyl and not my normal 12 week Prostap. My PSA on Monday showed it had gone up to 2.17 after varying between 0.18 and 0.53 since finishing RT last June. Saw Onco tonight and he says it may not be anything but must check so I have CT scan tomorrow and full body bone scan as soon as can be arranged. He says if they are clear I will need to go to London for Gallium PET scan. I am supposed to go back to Japan next Thursday for work. I am nervous! Any advice?

  • Hi Rich

    I don't know that much about HT but the first thing that springs to mind, has it changed because your medication has been altered?

    As they say, could be nothing but have to check it out.

    How long r u going to Japan for, have u told the specialists that you are going?


  • Hi Rich, how long is it since you had the 24 week injection?

    Might also be worth checking your testosterone level to see if you are at castrate level. 


  • Always worth asking to add a testosterone blood test to your PSA test every time you have a PSA test done.

  • I see him again on Wednesday so I will ask this thank you Ian. I think 24 week injection was July? I have spent a day terrified again then had a few beers with mates and all ok again! CT scan results from yesterday pending and full body bone scan due. Can't help feeling I can't keep "passing" these! I am not passing PSA - it went from 0.533 to 2.17. Onco said doubled the doubling rate? Thank god I see him Wednesday again!

  • Hope you get some answers on Wednesday Rich. Take care.


  • It was in July and I will ask about the testosterone check on Wednesday. I have bone scan Wednesday too followed by follow up with oncologist wednesday night then fly back to Japan 7am Thursday! :/ 

  • Busy man! All the best,


  • So I had my PSMA PET scan at the Harley Street Clinic yesterday. I left with 2 CD's and waiting to speak to onco Monday morning. I have had a look at the images on the disk. I'm no expert but one image clearly shows organs on the left and right side of my body with 2 black spot surrounded by bright areas on each side. I'm expecting the worst now but hopefully it is Lymph nodes only which can be treated with RT again!

  • I have all the CDs from my MRIs and I still struggle to try and understand them.

    I would have thought that your copies would come with a report which is obviously easier to understand.


  • Let us know how you get on Monday Rich. Rooting for you.
