clinical heamatology phone call

  • 10 replies
  • 109 subscribers

My dad is getting a phone call Tuesday from clinical haematology department. is this normal for people with advanced prostate cancer. has anyone had this sort of appointment? or is it what I fear they will say it's now in your bone marrow or blood?. We have known about this appointment to be made by phone for I think 2 weeks.

confused worried the normal crap.

thanks to anyone with advice.

  • Hi J

    I don't know too much about   haematology and advanced  PC but would have said that if there were Mets to the bones/marrow they would not discuss over the phone.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thank f""k, been waiting for someone to reply thanks so much. settles my mind. Absolutely pooing myself more as each day passes knowing it's another day closer to the inevitable. The day when they say sorry Mr A, there's no more we can do chemo has not worked. I know it's fact in dads case incurable already been told and the fact PSA level 10,000+ f""k,s""t,b""""""s. Went with dad to seminar yesterday with a group of C patients. How the f""k can they all seem so relaxed and unfazed, no joke I was the worst in the room. I can't figure out how people with it stay so calm. I shake feel ill just being there. trouble is I've been there all same rooms same hospital with my mum,her mum,auntie and uncle. Dad is simply unfazed I know this is a good thing but baffles me. everyone at seminar was so relaxed dad even made a joke everyone laughed apart from me. they said the bit that you will lose your hair but it will grow back, dad said bloody hell that's good I haven't got any to start with! he's bald. If you read this you may not lose your hair they are wrong my mum never. she bought a wig £150 never needed it. Full chemo course ran for her and radiotherapy kept her hair!. Scary s""t for me is chemo and radiotherapy had basically zero effect on her big c. So scared dad will go through the pain of chemo for f all. just hope it works and he lasts years. Anyway thanks for replying STEVE. im rambling on sorry.

    Kind regards, thanks Steve.

  • Hi

    its very unusual to get bad news over the phone, personally I would have thought they would have asked you to come into the hospital to inform you of bad news. So let’s hope all is not bad, 


  • Sounds like u are going thru a lot at the moment, sometimes it really is worse for the partner, children etc.

    Hope the chemo goes ok, it's not always as bad as it's made out to be.

    Anyone mentioned anything about immunotherapy as a new treatment for advanced PC, could be worth asking


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    No will write that down now make inquires, never heard of it. cheers steve. That's good advice like it the more I know is out there the more they can chuck at it. I know sadly most hospitals don't always tell you whats available or what else they can try. we all know it comes down to cost. but I will ask/demand it's tried if things get worse. Very good cheers. Yeah I don't take it very well seen too much been there seen it, I could of done the seminar myself. 

    Thanks steve.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Cheers joe, I was hoping that would be the case. but I have heard even seen for myself the way some get news and treated in this hospital. won't name it in case others on here attend the same hospital. cheers joe many thanks for your time and help.


  • Immunotherapy is not available in many centres but u can try cancer and search clinical trials

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Was just about to research it, like anyone (probably) If needed id rob a bank do anything if I thought there was hope. i'll track it down find out everything about it. Cheers.

    thanks Grundo (steve) I think.

  • As you say not everyone loses hair when going through chemo.  My brother in law had a lot of chemo for gullet cancer and although he was upset to lose some hair you hardly noticed it when you saw him.  then, when it grew back it was darker - her had white hair beofre the chemo and now has dark hair again!  You can try wearing the cold cap to avoid hair loss but he found it uncomfortable and only used it twice - I think he had 15 sessions - some before and some after a marathon operation to remove the cancer in the gullet and use part of his stomach to act as the part removed.  Absolutely amazing!  Nearly three years on and he is fine.  Still has a lot of hair and it is still dark!  Another thing people have mentioned with chemo is using the caffeine hair shampoo  - Alpecin or nioxin to avoid too much hair loss.  People also mention sucking frozen cubes of pineapple when undergoing the chemo and say this helps with loss of taste.  There is a chemotherapy forum on this site so maybe you could pop on there and ask - though if you have gone through all this before with several family members then you may already know a lot of this.

    Take care and all the best for your Dad.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Cheers des, mum tried that cold cap thing, she couldn't put up with it. she tried it twice and that was enough. Yes I know a fair amount. it all comes back to me bit by bit. obviously memories I tried to forget but these kind a memories never leave you. Thanks for replying and your time DES.

    Thanks, DES.