Help please PSA 10,000 YES TENTHOUSAND

  • 34 replies
  • 110 subscribers

My dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. His PSA level is 10,000. All the research I have done no one is even close to this score. It as spread to his bones. Can this score be correct?. It's obvious to me that he as weeks left to live with this score. My mum passed away with breast cancer 3 years ago. I am on my own and sick with worry because I know what awaits. Dad at the moment is not in much pain and seems to be doing ok. Is there any hope with a PSA level of 10,000?. I can't watch him die like mum. Is it even possible to treat with this level of PSA?. We already been told it can't be cured but can be treated. This level was without any treatment. He had radiotherapy after this score on his spine because of the dangerous location and responded well. Now we don't meet the oncologist for 3 weeks!. Will he even be alive then? I know only to well how quickly this can get you. A biopsy was done 3/9/19 results 12/9/19. My dad is all I have left in the world. Any tips any drugs legal or not I will get if this will help if anyone knows anything please help.

Thanks to who ever replies.

  • hi 

    yes its very high but that doesnt mean he,s gonna die quickly ! 

    especially as you say he's doing o.k and is in no pain .

    my psa was 51 but i had spread to my bones to so its incurable 

    i would think he would start hormone therapy straight away followed shortly after by chemo 

    which seems to be the way mesastatic p c is treated atm 

    dont despair keep ur dad and urself positive it works wonders 

    on facebook look for cbd oil users group u.k very helpful and knowlegeable people 

  • Hi Ja

    Sorry to hear about your situation.

    No, I don't think that the psa level means your dad is about to die.

    I'm surprised that it appears they haven't started him on hormone therapy already to start reducing the psa level.

    Could be worth asking for another psa just to check.

    You say that he has just had a biopsy, has he had a MRI, if so what did that show?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anubis

    Many thanks for your reply, yes forgot to add he's on testosterone injections/hormone not sure what so confused with all the tablets and stuff we have been told so far to try and control it. Will get some CBD oil asap. Thanks so much for your reply. It's in his bones how many not sure yet but suspect sadly most of them. I think he's had this cancer for over a year looking back now. Im kicking myself for not spotting the warning signs im so stupid. It seems so obvious now.

    Thanks for taking time to reply ANUBIS.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Had full body bone scan a couple of days ago, so not sure of results yet, previous scan they looked at said it was in spine and spots have been seen in other bones, presume abdominal area because they said wide spread throughout abdominal area. Just hope they mean in hips and other bones not major organs. That's why I presume they are now checking entire skeleton to see just how bad it is.

    Thanks for replying GRUNDO cheers.

  • Hi

    i was the same not that high PSA mine was 893, but I felt fine apart from a few things that you get with PC, put on a trial straight away, after all the treatment my PSA dropped to 0.07 that was nearly three and a half years ago, so yes it can be treated, and with luck he will be with you for some years yet.

    take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Thanks so much for taking your time to reply, All we have at the moment is hope. It does help knowing you have come this far with this condition, long may you continue hope you get better and better. Hope my dad can follow your progress. Best of luck for the future.

    Thanks for replying Joe.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    First, let me just say your fathers PSA is just a number it can go up as well as down. 

    I was diagnosed in July 2017 with prostate which had gone into my Spine, Pelvis, Ribs, & lymph nodes. (PSA 634)

    I had  Chemo and some Radiotherapy on my Spine and Pelvis. (PSA going down)

    I was put on some medication which I can't remember the name of that stopped working after 18 Months then my PSA started going up again from 2 to 60.

     I was then on Xtandi Enzanlutamide but my PSA was still going up. 

    Now here comes the part you won't believe in April of this year I started drinking Pomegranate Juice  (POM WONDERFUL) which is 100% pomegranate juice, my PSA went down from 60 to 0.32. In the last 3 months, I have had 1 CT Scan and 2 MRI Scans and they all show my cancer is shrinking. My Doctors don't understand why is happening but it is.

    My doctors are probably the best in the country the hospitals I attend are the  Royal Marsden Cancer  research hospital (England) and Singleton Hospital in Wales,

    No, I'm not some crackpot but I believe and trust in this Juice. (and I don't work for them nether)    

  • Hi Hanc

    I think that I take the same juice, the one in the odd shaped bottle?

    Would be interested to know how much u drink per day?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That's great news. I seen it in Sainsburys will be buying today. Thanks for replying hope you continue getting better and better. Many thanks.

    Cheers, HANC

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    A word off waning.  If your father still has his own teeth have him to drink it through a straw, it has made my teeth very sensitive  I also have natural yogurt after that seems to help. 1 bottle will last me 2 days  750 ml. May  I ask what is your fathers age.?

    Good luck and be positive.