Frequency of hot flushes with Firmagon

  • 3 replies
  • 108 subscribers

I have T3b prostate  cancer and have been having Firmagon injections for 4 months. It has had a dramatic impact on shrinking my prostate and reducing my PSA from 9.7 to 0.17. All of this is very positive and the consultant says it is very encouraging. I do have a lot of hot flushes though. Today, for example, I have been having one every 20 to 30 mins. I am also one week into an 8 week course of external beam radiotherapy.

Is this level of hot flushes normal, unusual or does it vary enormously from person to person? 

  • Hi jrsaito.

    Everyone reacts differently to hormone treatment and some will not have a problem with hot flushes. However most men will suffer from them to a certain degree. I take evening primrose oil and sage leaves to combat them (and occasionally a homeopathic remedy) and no longer have a problem. Have a look at this thread (my post is #5) where various people have offered their personal remedies for hot flushes.

    Good luck with your RT. Only seven weeks to go now!

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47

    Thanks for the reply Seamus. I had read the thread you linked to and will look at the Primrose Oil and Sage leaves option.

    I was wondering if anyone out there has had specifically Firmagon injections and has experienced the same regularity and frequency of hot flushes as me (2-3 every hour) It's interesting that for me at least these are very regular. For example in 4 hours this morning I had eight at almost exactly 30 minute intervals! Not complaining, just intrigued by the almost "pre-programmed" equal spacing of the events. 

  • FormerMember

    I  was on Prostap3 for 3 months and now on Wait and See with 3 monthly blood tests for PSA level.  I too had hot flushes and still have  4 months and two weeks later from date of Prostap injection. Was told  side effects last some time  I cope with them by having an open  box with a cold  face flannel  in it which  keeps   cool with Latent Heat of Evaporation and wipe my face with it. A colleague who went through it all about ten years ago swore by having a very cold drink whenever   he had a hot flush. He used to keep a Thermos with water and ice cubes in it ready. Haven't tried it because very cold water causes toothache sometimes.  Currently am having a slight Fluey feeling occasionally as well as hot flushes.