Advise on Tiredness

  • 2 replies
  • 108 subscribers


I've recently turned 64 and am fairly fit for my age. I finished 42 sessions of radiation at the end of May and the tumors on my prostate, lymph and lower colon are gone and although the cancer is still there, it is dormant due to testosterone/PSA being 0.09. The main prostate medication I am on is Abiraterone, Prednisolone and 6 monthly injections. 

After my radiation I slowly built up my fitness level by daily walking or playing a few holes of golf. I eventually got to the stage where I could comfortably play 18 holes of golf twice a week. I decided that I would ask my consultant to sign me back to work. My work is office based with no great pressure and it only takes 20 minutes to drive to the office. With reluctance he agreed to allow me back on a phased basis. I have been working for the last week for 3-4 hours each morning. However, I am absolutely shattered after 3 hours. It's a very peculiar tiredness. It's the same as the jet-lag you get if you travel from the west coast of America back to Europe. From lunchtime each day I am just zonked. I doze my way through the afternoon, sleep well at night and feel grand the next morning. 

Before returning to work, as I said already, I'd be out active or sitting at home watching TV or reading and never had any tiredness issues. I might doze for a half hour in the chair but at 64 that's permissible. I cannot understand how going to non strenuous work for a few hours could be having such an adverse effect on me. There's no point in me going back to my consultant right now because he will probably tell me that he told me so. Since I got diagnosed I feel that all my decisions have been made for me. I have done everything I've been told. I dont want my condition or the medical team deciding that I should retire. I want to be able to decide that myself but I thought that I would be making that decision much further down the line.

Have any of you tried to go back to work and found something similar happening.



  • Hi John

    I had RT without the HT and  I did continue working throughout albeit less hours. I did get tired at times though although I tried to keep my early morning jogging going.which did help

    I suspect it may be more to do with the HT , I believe that this can cause a lot of tiredness although of course everyone reacts differently.

    I would go to your GP and ask him to do a full blood test just to make sure that everything looks normal ie liver/kidney function, blood count etc. You have been thru a lot , perhaps you are lacking something somewhere.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi John,

    I've just finished almost a year of treatment.  HT, chemo and 39 fractions of RT. It has left me unfit for work and I have only managed two months of light duties between chemo and RT. I am starting to feel more energy and hope to return to work in a couple of months.  Main issues are fatigue and pain. Also my prognosis for the next year is 50/50 so it's hard to know how hard to push myself. The problem is everyone's journey is unique and you have to be guided by your body. It's good to share experiences but they can't be a guide. That's how I see it anyway. 

    All the best. 
