Speed of PSA Reduction

  • 10 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi all,

I was diagnosed with PC in late February 19 and started on Hormone Therapy almost immediately - I then started 6 cycles of chemo (Docetaxel) in March and completed them in July. I have had my second 6 monthly hormone injection last week and going to start radiotherapy in October.

When I was diagnosed my PSA was 28, at my last blood test at the time of my final chemo in mid July it was down to 1.2 - I know this reading is now regarded as acceptable for my age group but is this the normal sort of rate of decrease as I have seen others on here where their PSA has fallen so low it is not measurable.

I know we are all different but would be grateful if others could give me an idea of their experience of falling PSA scores.

Thank you


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kevin,  my psa went the other way, I was at 42.3 then after 6 chemo sessions it went down to 00.02.  8 weeks later, it started to rise again, my last one was 82.7.  Started another 4 sessions of chemo, hopefully it will come down.  Failing that I imagine they will look at other treatments. I am not sure but, I think PSA level between  1 and 7 is ok, but it varies so much, as We are all individuals.  Good luck, but you will be in controlled hands. Sorry I can't help any further, others may know better than me, but that what happened to me.

    Best regards

  • Hi

    Depending on your treatment is how fast your PSA will fall, mine went from 893 to 0.07 after I finished all my treatments, it’s took over three years to get to 0,91, so it’s as you said we are all different, the radiotherapy will shrink the prostate so may drop even further.

    take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Thanks Jod, a little light at the end of the tunnel.  How are you doing?. Just trying to research the what it's . Covering all my options.

    Cheers and thanks again.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kevin,

    Having been here for a while now, I don’t think there’s any given figure for the rate of decreasing PSA. Whilst you may find others with a similar diagnosis, and PSA, we all tread our own personal path dealing with cancer.

    I was diagnosed in November 2018, with a PSA level of 143. I started on HT, and at the end of December my PSA had dropped to 5.5. February 2019 it had risen to 7.5. April 2019 it had risen again to 8.5 when I started RT. End of May, and my RT my PSA had fallen to 2.0.

    I started chemo in July and after my first session my PSA was down to 0.6, at the end of my second session my PSA is down to 0.2. Just had my bloods prior to my third session, so I’m looking forward to discovery my new figure on Friday.

    From what I’ve written, you can see that it’s quite possible to experience a rise in PSA.

    My NHS trust red flag any PSA above 4.0, so I’m pleased that I’ve had a black flag on my records for a while now, and long my it last

    Best wishes, and good luck with your treatment


  • Hi Kevin. I'm glad you posted this. I'm a very anxious person, having been through a major scare with bowel cancer. My PC arrived just before I reached the magic 5 year mark for the bowel cancer. Annoying, to put it mildly. July '18 PSA was 7.4 and I had 60 Gy in 20 fractions in January last year. The biopsy gave Intermediate Favourable, G7 (3+4.)  No PSA test between the 7.4 reading and radiation, so they suspect it might have been higher. PSA dropped to 3.1 early June and I'm freaking out about the one due in September. I know I'm better off than a lot on this site, but any posts about the expected drop from the 3.1 reading will hopefully be encouraging. Or not. I don't have HT or chemo. 

    Sorry to intrude on your post, but the title immediately got my undivided attention! 

    Best wishes, John. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wombles

    Hi John,   everyone is different, I understand your concern.  I get HT and am back on Chemo for another 4 Sessions.  I don't know what happens after that.  Alternative therapy I suppose.  Please don't let my voyage upset you.  I believe you can only have 10 sessions of Chemo.   Then it's another lot of tablets, or RT.  I am not sure.  The worst thing the oncologist told me, you know it will come back.  I was devastated mate.  So now I just take it one day at a time.

    Good luck mate.

  • Update. The PSA went from 3.1 in June to 2.9 in Setember. Only a drop of .2! As usual, I'm starting to worry about the next test early March,  6 month wait this time. I'm curious to know if anyone else had rt only, I.e. without any rt at all. My testosterone is boosted every 3 weeks to get up to normal levels, which seems to be what they do these days. I'm wondering if stopping the testosterone injections might result in a bigger drop. A sort of HT I suppose. Those who know are not concerned about the small drop, as long as it went down. But I am concerned, but what do I know? Ignorance is not bliss in this case! Anyone in a similar position? Gleason score was 7= 3+4, Intermediate Favourable. 


  • Hi Wombles

    I think that you have posted before on this, I presume u mean 'anyone had RT only without HT' u wrote RT without RT?

    I am still not too sure having Testosterone boosters straight after RT, could they not have waited a while?  I may be wrong but I don't think that is normal ie Testosterone after RT,  I wasn't offered it  after my RT finished. See what the next psa is in March and take it from there, hopefully it will be lower. perhaps would be interesting to hear if anyone has  had Testosterone booster especially stràight after treatment.

    all the best


  • Thanks Steve. Yes, RT without HT! When the PC was diagnosed I stopped the testosterone for a short time on my Dr's advice but was told it was ok to start again by a PC specialist when I saw him a few weeks before rt in January. The boosters are not a new thing, I've been having them for about 10 years now. There was no advice from the consultant  to stop before, during, or after rt as they treat people with normal levels, apparently. I'm due another one in a few days, (they are every three weeks,) but I'm tempted to ask whether I should stop at least until March when I get the PSA test. 

    Your help and interest is very much appreciated.


  • John

    If it was me I think that I would be stopping them for a while.  At least they can be stopped until psa test and then do another Testosterone test  at the same time, see what has happened. 

    Don't forget, just my thoughts, not saying the right thing to do.
