Active survailance.

  • 9 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Just diagnosed with intrmidiate cancer. I have opted to give active surveillance a go. Anyone else experienced this?

  • I haven’t experienced active surveillance as my cancer was at the edge of the capsule.

    There may be others here who have gone through active surveillance.

    Completing more information in your profile about your diagnosis etc would help people answer.


  • PJD, Hi

    I was on AS for 4 years, it went ok.

    All I would say is that psa should not be too high ie: 12-15 approx  , max,  Gleeson 6 or 7, tumour contained, not too large and not near capsule edge.

    Presumably the specialists have been thru all that and so things must be ok.

    You need to keep checking psa and MRI and be ready to go with treatment if things change.



  • That's good to know thanks pal.


  • I'm in my third year of AS. I hope to stay on AS until better treatment is available. My PSA is rising by about 0.25 per year and MRIs have been acceptable so far.

  • I only found out at the beginning of this month. Starting AS and see how I get on. You are quite right about the possibilities of future treatments. I had not factored that into my decision to go for AS but it does now make me feel better about it.

  • Just make sure that your PSA is tested at least every 3 months and any change is acted upon immediately.  Be proactive if you have any change in or new symptoms with bladder or bowel then go straight to consultant.  Beware of symptom creep - where you don't notice that a symptom or symptoms are getting gradually worse.

    Please let us know your Gleason score, age and T scores or grading and age as this will help those who have experience of AS to tailor their replies to your case if they can.

  • FormerMember

    Hi. i am 61 yr old. Been on AS since diagnosis in November 2016. Gleason 6/ T2b. Going OK so far, preferred option for me as I dont want to consider any other options unless I have to. I have 6 monthly consultations, which sounds like a long time, but passes very quickly.  It's a personal choice at the end of the day as to what treatment route you choose. Good luck. 


  • My Gleeson is 6, not sure of my t score. That is good to know I think I've made the right choice for me. Thanks.
