Dad’s PSA has risen again

  • 2 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Morning all, I have barely slept from worrying about my Dad. He finished 4 weeks of Radiotherapy in March after being diagnosed at the beginning of this year. He did really well coping with the treatment and went back to see his consultant a few weeks, his PSA result was 4 which they thought was due to a water infection, a test confirmed this and he had antibiotics for this. He has still been having pain in that area since though. However, he went back yesterday and his PSA result from his bloods taken last week was 11.

I am really worried that it has risen so much in that short period of time. We are sure when he had a previous scan that they mentioned a small spot on a rib but nothing has been mentioned on that since. All the consultant said yesterday after the PSA of 11 was that he would need more tests / scans and probably more chemo. Just feeling very worried about this, my mum has stage 4 renal cancer too so not great all round really :( Thank you for listening.

  • Bless you,  You all have a lot going on at the moment.  Unfortunately not a lot can be done other than wait for the tests and then wait for the results it ids the worst part of this whole thing.  I have no experience of this myself and hope that someone will be along soon who has some experience and can help you a bit more than I am able to.

    Take care of yourselves and each other,


  • Hi Rachel, sorry about your situation.

    I think that you have posted before but just remind us of the original stats please, ie Gleeson, psa just before RT.

    Was the PC contained apart from suspicious  spot on rib?

    Infections can cause psa to rise and u say that he is still having pain so possibly the infection is still there.

    Hopefully they will take a look at that issue asap.

    Keep in touch, let us know what happens.

    Best wishes
