Holidays during chemo

  • 6 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Hi all

As some know we were due to go to Orlando later this year before dad's diagnosis.  He's quite down because we've had to cancel and I wondered if anyone travelled in this country in between chemo treatments and if so when is best time throughout the cycle? I've read that the last week of the cycle before the next starts is best, can anyone advise please?  Or do we leave it until treatment complete and rearrange the Orlando trip for later next year?  My worry is that whichever we choose he will be too ill :-(


  • Hi. 

    Me again.

    My opinion once again for what it's worth. You may recall that I'm in chemo at present. The risk of picking up infections during chemo is high. Because one's immune system is so compromised by chemo such infections can be lethal. Airplanes are also wonderful illness incubators presenting a far higher than average chance of falling ill, especially during extended flights.

    For a living I run a travel company. Before falling ill I was travelling abroad every month. Since beginning chemo I've stayed put in the UK. In my opinion the level of risk is far too high. 

    At this stage in my chemo (5th cycle) I would also not wish to travel, as there is no doubt that the cumulative effect of the chemo on my health is becoming harder to deal with. I simply don't feel well enough.

    My advice then would be to leave the trip until your Dad's treatment is complete and he's had a fair amount of time to recover from it.

    Very best wishes,

    Jonathan x 

    Hoping for personal growth and a return to full health
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jonathan1801

    Hi Jonathan

    Thank you - I'm always grateful for all opinions :-)! I know immunity is compromised.  I probably didn't explain very well.  I don't want to take him on a plane until (or even if!) He's well enough.  Because we were having to cancel Florida I was thinking of doing something in this country to try and keep his mind occupied.  When I'm thinking will be in the third week of his third cycle.  He wanted to go to Spain to their apartment but I've said no way!  He's feeling guilty even though I've said there is absolutely no need :-( so just wondered what he would be for a long weekend somewhere.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Having had Chemo I agree the third week is probably the “best” but then you might have to fit in a blood test, and if before then Chemo is delayed then it will throw your plans out.

    We all react differently you can see how he is, I was lucky with few side effects...

    I understand your need to grant your Dad his wish but talk to the staff and see if you can negotiate a plan so you can have time away.

    Good luck 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I started my chemo in late March 19 but before I did I mentioned to my consultant that we had a week's (paid for) holiday planned in Shropshire in late April with the expectation that he would have said to cancel it, however it was quite the opposite - he asked when it was and arranged my treatment so that it would fall at the start of Cycle 2 week 2 so I would be back before the blood tests in the middle of week 3.

    I was lucky that there were no complications from the earlier treatment so no delays, and that my side effects weren't too bad until much later on in the treatment plan (after cycle 5) so I had just about fully recovered by the time week 2 started - so we went and had a lovely time in a beautiful thatched cottage surrounded by lovely countryside.

    Everyone is different and each person will react to the chemo in a different way but if your Dad is able to get away then I think it can only be a good thing but I would suggest that you try to fit it in early in the treatment schedule as the effects of chemo are cumulative and it therefore takes longer to recover after each cycle.

    Good luck


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Christine.  I do but not at the expense of his health :-(.  WilI talk and see what they say.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for sharing your experience Kevin.

    Yes I've read read it's cummulitive and that end of 2nd week onwards is better.  I suppose I'm also concerned that he's not well enough to go. It will be at the end if the 3rd cycle. Will see how he reacts on first.