My husband's prostate cancer and my feelings

  • 8 replies
  • 109 subscribers


Can anyone help please? My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January and in March he had a full removal. He is recovering very well with his second psa test results very good. My question is, even though I know that he is ok, I have spiralled into a very stressed anxious state. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? 

Any advice would be gratefully received 

Thank you 

  • Hi Jules and welcome

    In answer to your question, yes I think that it is normal

    In some ways the ladies worry and get stressed out more than us men do 

    That's not to say that men don't worry about their situation, I know that I did when going thru it all, I think that t we conceal it better and try and put on a brave face. 

    You don't say what the psa is now or before surgery but it looks like the cancer was contained in the prostate and therefore should have all been removed.

    So, things are looking good but I know that it's a worrying time waiting on psa results, hopefully things will get better for your anxiety in the coming months, I am sure that they will


  • FormerMember

    Hi June,  it's normal to feel like that.  Everyone who has been through this, has had the same thoughts and feelings.  The thing to remember is, you have one another, you both need support at this time.  But you have to make a rationale, just take it one day at a time.  I know it's not easy to talk about this, but, talking shares the load for both of you.

    Kind heart is with you both.

    Keep smiling.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi Steve 

    Many thanks for taking the time to reply. I am starting to feel a little less anxious after a week away from work, which I was struggling to cope with too. Ian's psa results are below 0.5 which I understand means that the cancer was contained. I hope that you are fully recovered too. It is a worrying time for everyone isn't it? 

    Take care 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Malcolm 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and thank you for your kind words. I think that you are absolutely right about talking, I had bottled so much up, afraid to say anything as I know that Ian has been really worried too. I am starting to feel much better thank you 

    You take care 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You are very welcome Jules, my good lady did not have anyone to chat, discuss, or sound out, shocking isn't it. We pulled together, as we have that tight bond.  This site, should be given, more recognition for the way it helps so many people.  Its hard to stand alone, with everything swirling, through you mind, not knowing, you feel stiffled, locked up in a box.  This place is the answer, share, hear, listen, tell. That's the way to pre strengthen yourself.  I am always here or around.  Keep the faith Jules, keep the faith.

  • Is there a Maggies Centre or other Cancer Self Help Group near you that you could go to.  Our Maggies Centre is brilliant for both the cancer sufferer and their carers and families.  If there is one near you then pleas do go as the help and support from the professionals and the volunteers there is wonderful.

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Yes its sure hard....but you just have to crack on. My emotions are all.over the place while i try to absorb everything. My hubby has had a bone and mri scan and now waiting results. he was diagnosed with an aggresive strain and Gleason score of (4+5)

  • Hi

    first well done to your husband, it’s nice to hear of some ne beating this terrible decease.

    As to you problem it’s natural for you to be stressed, you think why has this happened to my husband, he’s hurt no one, when you were first told you thought your world had collapsed, so many thoughts running through your head, how do you go about handling all this news. 

    My wife over three years down the line is still worried and stressed, it’s natural you worry about the one you love, now although you’ve had great news, in the back of your mind is will it ever come back, we’ll fear not, there are so many new drugs to help us and he’s through the hard bit, so deep breaths and just be glad for him, you will soon get over it.

    take care
