
  • 4 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Hello ,

My husband was diagnosed last November and started HT in  December with some side effects which have evened out to large degree (apart form ~ED) 3 weeks ago he had HDR brachytherapy and has coped very well. He has this week started his treatment of 15 external radiotherapy sessions and I am asking how have you men coped with the fatigue that everyone tells us will kick in soon. We are retired so don`t have to think about work. the team are very pleased with him so far a month ago his PSA was almost undetectable which we were thrilled about.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks Carol


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Fantastic news to read that your husbands PSA is almost undetectable so soon. Long may it last. 

    I recently completed 37 sessions of radiotherapy and did find I was fatigued at times. For myself there were occasions when I’d find myself totally washed out. The solution on those occasions was to retire to bed. Darken the room, and sleep. I found that I didn’t sleep long, just enough to become refreshed. The other thing I did was to take a walk on a daily basis. Contrary to what one would think,  exercise is a useful tool to beat fatigue. The important thing is to listen to your body and do what it requests.

    I found that the effects of radiotherapy continued on for a while after treatment was completed, so don’t expect the effects to cease once treatment is completed. 

    Hope this is of help, and best wishes to you both.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply and advice. We both like to walk and we have a dog which is a good reason to get out. At the moment fatigue is not too bad ( he is only  5 days into his therapy)  but some people keep saying" oh wait till week two and things will be different ". We know every man is different and just keeping fingers crossed won`t be too bad. So far he is coping quite well. The mood swings from the HT are more hard to deal  with but he now recognises when he is feeling grumpy and we go with it as the following day he has come out of it. 

    Thanks again for your reply


  • Hi Carol.

    I had 20 sessions of RT in February and March this year. The first couple of weeks were no problem but by the third week I was starting to feel quite tired. By the end of the final week I was resting in bed for up to 15 hours a day, although sleep was intermittent. The fatigue carried on for a couple of weeks after the RT finished but gradually began to wear off and I'm now back to full fitness.

    As Chris said it's important to keep exercising (walking a couple of miles each day is enough) and the fatigue will eventually go away.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47

    Hi Saemus,

    Thanks for your encouragement. It seems a nice walk most days helps with the fatigue which we manage most days (weather permitting)

    Regards Carol