• 4 replies
  • 107 subscribers


As you probably know my brother has been diagnosed with early prostate cancer with a gleason score of 6 (3+3) PSA of 6.9 and has elected to go for Brachytherapy whihc he is going to receive on 21 August.  One of the things that has crossed his mind is can the radiation from the brachytherapy acffect his dogs and cats - most of whom seem to share his bed.  I thought I had read there could be problems with small children if you sit them on your lap but other than that not even thought about pets.  They don't usually sit on his lap like the cats we are cat sitting at the moment like to do in the evening but they do get on the bed and cuddle up to him and his wife during the night so I suppose it is a fait question.  He lives in South AFrica and cannot contact his urologist directly and when he contacts his secretary she just tells him things like "this won't happen" and never heard of that rather than direct his questions to the urologist.  I don't think he has met his radiologist yet and not sure if he will before the day he goes in for the low dose brachytherapy - indeed he may not even know who the radiologist is before he gets there on the day.  So, anyone any idea about this?



  • FormerMember

    Assuming your brother's wife isn't pregnant, which is another matter, never mind the pets Thinking

    It seems to be that he will need to avoid sitting less than 50cm away from children any more than a few minutes each day for the first two months.

    I imagine the same applies to pets.

  • No way she could be pregnant as a few months ago she had a hysterectomy and I don't think either of them were planning on having children at the age of 52 and 70.  They bth have families from previous relationships and no wish to add further to the mix!  We have sent him all the info from Macmillans on Brachytherapy but I think he takes more account of Dr Google - we keep telling him not to but he can't stop himself and obsesses about this cancer - shocked me actually because I thought he would take it more like me and take it in his stride but no he is worrying about every thng to do with it and goes from thinking he can avoid any treatment with gleeson 6 and then wondering if they have actually got all the cancer in the MRI an biopsy and what if there is cancer there they have missed and will the brachytherapy get that too or not.  Well if it can get to someone sitting within 50cm of you I think it will?  Ithink he rings every other day with smething and it is such a shame he is in South Africa so can't easily pop over to see him for a day.  He is booked in to have his brachytherapy n 21 August.  We shall see if he ges ahead with it or not.  Personally I would have been really glad if they had found my cancer early enough that I could have had brachytherapy but it was a little too late for that. 

    Thanks as always for your advice.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller


    I know what you mean about brachytherapy,  I wasn't offered it either, but  I think it was mainly due to my previous chronic prostatitis.

    Prostatectomy is a rather drastic cure for prostatitis,  but it helped with the cancer too!

  • I was told that I couldn't have brachytherapy in the first instance because I had had a TURP about 12 years previously.  However as I had my MRI after my biopsy the MRI showed that the cancer was bulging out at the back of the porstate and no one could actually tell whether or not it had "escaped" so external radiation seemed best.  However, now I have read that neither of those need preckude you from having brachytherapy but that it depends on your "flow rate" after TURP and because I have bladder problems my flow rate is quite low so probably wouldn't have been best choice for me.

    As for my brother he has made an appointment t go and see the oncologist next week with his wife to ask all the questions he has.  Hopefully this wil put his mind at rest.

    Thanks for all your advice on this forum.

    All the best
