Prostap Injection

  • 16 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Just had my my 4th injection and again it has come up as a hard red lump that is painful to touch, When I mention this it's just passed over and they carry on with the injection. Has anybody else had the same problem or it the way it's mixed or administered and can it be done in another way or do I need to see if I can change to another type. This problem makes me wonder if it is actually working as it should.


  • FormerMember

    Hello Reg

    And welcome to the prostate group.

    I see that as yet you’ve had no replies, and I’ve only just noticed your post.

    I’m afraid I have no experience of the Prostap injection although I’ve had (and given) many injections in my time just never Prostap.

    Obviously I have not observed what you describe and I am not in a position to offer you a definitive or complete answer.

    Inflammation at the injection site it seems is a common problem with the Prostap injection.

    Inflammation is recognised by five principle signs, redness, swelling, hardness, pain and heat.

    If inflammation occurs, it does not mean the treatment needs changing.

    According to Cancer Research UK  Inflammation is a known side effect and

    “Tell your nurse if you notice any signs of redness or irritation around the injection site.”

    I would also tell them you are very worried about it and ask if anything needs to be done.

    I hope this reassures you.

  • FormerMember

    Hi mate, well I have been having a prostrap injection for over two years now and can honestly say I have never had any kind of reaction to it. The nurse tends to inject in to the stomach each time but as I say never had a problem with it, just a silly question but do you collect the kit from the chemist your self? If you do where do you store it prior to the injection, I keep mine in the fridge for about 72 hours before the date to be injected. Maybe thats worth a try I am just guessing there.

  • I got a sore lump after every PROSTAP injection. This was PROSTAP 3. I had the injection subcutaneously in my stomach. I got one of the injections in the glutamus maximums to try and avoid soreness but that ended up sore after the injection too. This lasted a few days and then settled down for both places.


  • FormerMember

    I've been having prostap for 5 years now and never had a problem. I had Zoladex implant, which is an alternative, before the prostap.  I guess you've got  a slight allergic reaction to the prostap.

    It might be worth asking if you can have the Zoladex. Be warned though its quite a big implant, if nurse isn't familiar with it, it can be painful getting it in.

    best of luck

  • Thanks Eddie but I let them handle that so I don't see it until i get to the Doc's. I'm told though it's a fairly common problem and I seem to get all the worst of the side effects when i was hoping for the only positive one more hair on my head,  Thanks again for your answer.


  • Thanks Joe. Certainly food for thought  but sounds like a switch could make things worse. 

    Regards Reg 

  • Hi,

    You should be having a PSA test before each injection - usually a week before so that the gp surgery has time to get the results from the test.  This will tell you what is happening with your PSA which should be getting lower and if the injection is working.  Maybe not all surgeries do this but surely they must do a PSA test at some point?  Has this not been discussed with you?

  • Hi freefaller, Had very few PSA tests last one 6 weeks after finishing RT and was .06 it was 11 before treatment started and the doctor seemed happy with that and next one is not due until November. Getting information out of some of them is like pulling teeth. As for discussion throughout my treatment I that has been very lacking it's always been a case of this is the problem and this is the best treatment for you.Perhaps i shouldn't have let them get away with like that but i think I was a bit shell shocked at the time. I think it's working but I'm one of what I'm told is the minority that just take to HT very well. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, well I have been having Prostrap for over two years now an touch wood never had a reaction, you didn,t say where in the body you get injected, try swapping around where you have the injections, mine are usually in my stomach. Have you spoken to the people who inject you?