Is the overall dose from LDR and HDR Brachytherapy the same in total and does LDR brachytherapy treat the whole prostate??

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  • 108 subscribers


Sorry to keep bothering you about this but as I have been reading up on this for my brother I come across things that I want to know more about too.  We all know that the total radiation given with external beam radiation whether it is given over 20 35 or 37 weeks is the same overall but while reading about LDR and HDR brachytherapy whether it was also true for this type of radiotherapy.   Also does the radiation from the brachytherapy seeds spread through out the whole of the prostate or just a designated area around the seed which presumably will be implanted near the cancer which can be seen? 

  • Des

    There doesn't seem to be that much info about the spread of radiation from the seeds but I think that the whole of the gland would be irradiated, probably more around the seeds.

    If you only covered the areas that showed  on the scan then u could potentially be missing cancer cells that didn't show up on the scan.


  • Exactly my thoughts too.  I am going to ask about that at Maggies next Wednesday.  Not many men who had brachy around - probably because their treatment, in general was so easy and they have gone of and enjoyed life without prostate cancer.  As to be honest I am doing most of the time.  Not another PSA test until January. 

  • From what I have read both LDR and HDR  are successful  options .  HDR is a newer treatment. 

    One  reason I didn't go for Braccy was that  I didn't fancy the radioactive seeds in for life although I know that the radioactivity wears off.

    So settled for the 3 gold markers for RT. Has worked so far.

  • Yes worked for me too Grundo.  I did not have the option of brachy because I had had a TURP and I believe, at the time,. it was thought that the radioactivity would not reach all parts of the prostate - also have bladder problems and urine flow is another factor in whether or not you can have brachy - had already had a flow test and it was not good.  However I now read that it seems only urine flow is a contraindication in brachy treatment as it has to be over a certain marker.

    As for my brother who has been given the options of : Active Surveillance, Brachytherapy or prostate removal I think out of all those, with our family history the best to go for is LDR brachy - at 72 that will nire than likely get his PSA 6.2 - since gone down to 4.6 and Gleason score 6 (3=3) cancer for life.  As far as we are both concerned prostatectomy is taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut - sorry no pun intended, and Active Surveillance with family history is out too.  Even if this brachy doesn't get the low grade cancer and it becomed more aggressive then there is still EBRT, Hormone treatment and prostatectomy left to do.


  • I don't think that u can do surgery after Braccy, it's similar to EB, prostate goes to mush......... I think

    Still there r other options as u say, 

  • Yes you are right  about that in general but there are some cancer hospitals who will operate after EBRT and I am with such a hospital someone was on here - or another PCa forum I am on about a year ago who also went to this hospital and was about to be operated on post radiotherapy but haven't heard from him since.  Shame because it would be good to know how things went for him as my oncologist said I could be operated on too though to be honest probably wouldn't go for that now at my advanced age.


  • Yes I know that it can be done but full of complexities and possible side effects  however I  suppose better than the alternative.