Now my brother has PCa.

  • 9 replies
  • 108 subscribers

Hello everyone,

My brother in South Africa had a TRUS biopsy on Friday and today went to see his urologist to be told he has PCa with a gleason score of 6 (3+3) 15 out of 15 samples in right (or left can't remember now)  had no cancer but in the other side 5 out of 17 samples showed cancer.  He had the biopsy before an MRI so have just been telling him to wait a while so that the MRI does not get "clouded" by the inflammation from the biopsy - he was going to have a MRI this week so only days between biopsy and MRI.  He is about a year younger than I was when I was diagnosed but through being unable to get a PSA test from my GP that year meant a higher score for me.  Still, seems everything has worked out well for me so hope it does for him.  His urologist has suggested he go down the brachytherapy route.  With such a low score his PSA is back to 4.2 having gone up from 4.2 to 6.9 in 4 months previously, he was given the choice of prostatectomy, brachytherapy or active surveillance.  The urologist did not advise him to go down the prostatectomy route and I think he feels the brachytherapy route is the best as now he has been told he has cancer he wants something done.  I suppose with our history he is right. 

Anyone been through brachytherapy who can just "talk me through" the process and any side effects that are likely.  He is just away thinking the worst as he just heard the word cancer.  Thankfully he recorded his consultation today so can go over it and I think at the end of an hour long skype with him he is a little calmer now.


  • Morning Des

    I wonder why EB radiotherapy wasn't suggested, this is normally on the list of treatments.

    Don't forget there are two kinds of Braccy, Radioactive seeds and HDR braccy which can include 5-10 doses of EBRT.

    Hopefully someone will post who has been thru it.


  • Hi Steve,

    Sorry, I shoudl have been more specific about the brachytherapy.  He would be having the Radioactive seeds. Though as he has not had a MRI yet  things may change as things did with my treatment having the biopsy first and MRI second.


    PS  researching MP MRI last evening and found a great article from Addenbrookes on it that said Doctors did avoid sending men for MRI because of cost - Unfortunatley I couldn't get the link to share it on here so painstakingly copied it bit by bit into word - don't know why I couldn't just copy it all at once either but for some reason couldn't and will read it through again this morning as more awake and not frustrated at the computer for not letting me copy it in its entirety or download a link and share it on here!  I also found another article from UCL which is very interesting about MRI before Biopsy.  Will share later today or this evening.  D

  • Ok Des, interested to read UCL blurb in particular, no hurry.

  • Just copying to my brother now so will try and copy parts into a post on here.

  • As of December 2018, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recommended mpMRI scans as the the first line investigation for people with suspected clinically localised prostate cancer.

    This is from an article written by Dr Claire Allen at UCHL.  I had problems copying this last evening but will endeavour to clean the article up and post in more detail later.

  • Interesting but I wonder why NICE has to recommend scans first when it's been obvious to me (and probably u ) for the last 5 years that it should be MRI before biopsy.

    Ok if it's down to cost then that's another matter.

    MRI £600.   , Biopsy with staff and pathology, surely must be about the same.

  • My thoughts exactly Grundo.

  • They should have put u in charge of biopsies and me doing the MRI, we could have sorted it..................oops, perhaps the other way round

  • LOL!  The other way around because I have arthritis in my hands which means I sometimes lose my grip on things.