prostrate cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 109 subscribers

how do I face the future with this cancer and the depression it brings, any tips on outlook and ways to get through the day as I am really struggling to deal with my outlook at present.

  • Sorry to hear andralba

    Need some more info really,. Age, general health, psa, Gleeson, MRI details, when diagnosed, any treatment???



  • FormerMember

    Sorry to seem to throw this at you

    I'm a long-term sufferer of mental health issues and have had a recent cancer diagnosis

    I have to say that cancer doesn't bring depression with it, but it certainly adds to what was already there. The level of depression you had before your diagnosis was probably too low for you to notice. I say "for YOU to notice" because people around you ... friends, colleagues, family ... may have already noticed (before your diagnosis) that you weren't 100% in your mental health

    Now that you HAVE recognised that your mental health is taking a knock, it's important that you do something to stop the slide.

    Being a member of the Macmillan Online Community has certainly helped me. I HIGHLY recommend that you continue to use this site, even if it's only to give vent to you feelings.

    Talk to us ... we are going thru the same as you ... or have already been there

    Speak to your GP or your cancer specialists about how you're feeling. I'm sure they will help if they can

    Remember that mental health no longer has the stigma that it had until even fairly recently

  • We all struggle with our treatments and diagnosis, some cope better than others.

    I have my ups and downs and am on treatment for depression too.

    When I am able to do it I try to find something positive about the day.

    If I am out for a walk or spending time with friends or family I am thankful to be here and enjoying life. Doesn’t always work but it mostly makes me feel so much better. 

    I also tell myself worrying won’t change anything.

    This isn’t meant to be trite or patronising.


  • Dear andralba,

    I'm sorry to hear that cancer is bringing you down. Initially I felt the same, and indeed am still taking a mild anti-depressant. However, what has really helped me has been my 'battle plan', and my ability to identify things that I can do to better my situation. In order to assist our immune systems to combat our cancer we can eat light healthy nutritious foods, we can take gentle exercise which will oxygenate our bodies and get our lymph system operating properly (also pumping 'happiness' hormones into our blood stream), we can get out into nature to relax our stress, and bring it down in other ways such as treating ourselves to massages, or relaxing with mindfulness recordings, or listening to calming music. Speaking with people on here will also help to release pent up negative emotions. There's a lot that we can't do, but there's also an awful lot that we can. I would also look to make sure that I speak to someone every day, get a little exercise every day, and provide myself with a small but meaningful treat every day.

    I hope that this doesn't appear trite to you and that some of it is possible for you. These are all things that have very much helped me.

    Very best wishes,


    Hoping for personal growth and a return to full health