  • 5 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Hi!  Having had my catheter removed a few weeks ago after having had prostatectomy surgery.  I have been suffering from some serious pain for weeks. 

Now it seems that there is some internal leakage after the Op and catheter removal. So they have decided to put the catheter back in. 

Has anyone else had any similar incidents? 

I  am NOT catheters best friend :-). 

  • FormerMember


    I'm right there with ya. Had the prostatectomy 4 weeks ago, my god!!. 

    Had discharge from penis from the start with the catheter in and was told this was normal. Was not so much pain but discomfort and 4 days before  I was due for removal, I went gp for antibiotics. Thinking I had an infection. Also lots of odd things happening which I wont go into at the mo.

    The catheter was removed at the hospital and i did explain the gp said i had an infection.

    Nurse said it would sting a little when removed!!! Holy Smoly batman pulling course sandpaper through my urinary track best describes the feeling.

    The catheter was covered in blood and infection, but what a relief.

    Went through all the procedures and the nurse took a wee sample to see if I had correct meds, and any problem go back to gp.

    Long story short, 2 nights of unbearable pain when weeing force return to gp. New meds and some cream for my bright red lollipop of a penis end to help. Nothing growing in the wee sample according to gp notes.

    Suffered over the weekend, called my urology dept and got an appointment. Consultant didn't check notes and thought I was still on active surveillance, great.

    After being talk down to for 15-20 mins he wanted to put catheter back in, I refused and I didn't understand the logic.

    He left me with nurse to explain etc, she ask the right questions and it was discovered I had a reaction to the catheter. They gave me some gel stuff, told to take anti histamine and paracetamol and wait for it to clear

    So now i have damage to my urinary tract and still the soreness which is so uncomfortable for reasons I'm sure you are familiar with.

    I can only move around for short periods before urine etc make me sore and I have to clean up. Nothing helps!!!

    I hope it will all heal and I can move on, get results on the 18th.

    Hope I havent blurted on to much.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi!  Thanks for replying. 

    I have been put on 2 courses of antibiotics which did little or nothing. 

    They put the catheter back in as I complained of pain in all parts of that region after my Op.  Just sitting down or walking more than 10mins was painful. 

    Anyway,  after much insistance from me a scan was done an internal leak discovered and the decision was made to put the catheter back iin to see if it can soak up the leak??  Hmm

    I am a great catheter hater and even more so of the pads.  I had very little control of bladder after they took the catheter out the first time.  Peeing has been a nightmare

     I have even peed blood on a few occasions. 

    Not sure if the next step to fix my pain and the leak but it doesn't look pretty. 

    What results on the 18th are you waiting for? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Yeah carbon copy, I've no idea when it's going to get better.

    I've just taken more pain killers, I only went to the garage next door. Feels like I'm carrying weights between my legs. Keep getting this erection feeling and my urinary tract gets really hard. Sick to death of it all really, I'm a pretty active bloke in one way or another.

    The results of the operation, prostate biopsy and psa test.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi! Yeah I get that erection feeling.  But my balls scrival up and mi pecker has no response just pain in my nuts!! 

    Sick to death too. 

    Did they tell you before if they would do any nerve sparing before the Op etc? 

    I got my results which overall seem positive.  But suffering ED, incontinence,  severe pain around the prostate area.  It's shit!! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Again all the same.

    Not having bladder control just makes me even more sore.

    I've  been looking at the innovo shorts for the pelvic floor, don't think I will remember to do them manually.

    Yeah they said the nerve sparing was successful, but u know what will be the next thing after all this. Getting the bugger up!

    As someone in exactly the same boat, I feel for u mate. And yep totally shit.
