Bicalutamide and blood in wee

  • 7 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi all

Just after some advice if anyone can help please?  Dad has had 2 doses of the above and only had his biopsy 10 days ago and was also admitted to hospital with a uti caused by biopsy last weekend.  So after 2 doses he seems completely knocked off his feet - feeling really tired and sleeping lots -  wasn't sure if just the last 2 weeks catching up with him and all the stress. However earlier today he went to the loo and had blood in his urine.  Now it does say that this can be a side effect as can be fatigue but would the side effects have kicked in so soon?  Bit worried it could be the urine infection kicking back in - does anyone have any experience of this please?

Thank you x

  • Hi Robbo68, sorry to read about your Dad’s situation.

    I’ve just looked at the cancer research UK website and blood in urine is listed as an occasional side effect. But it also says to report any blood in urine immediately.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Hiya yes I read that although it doesn't say so in the side affects sheet in the tablets.  Think I may give nurse a call x

  • i had a trus biopsy had blood in my wee for a gd 2weeks after it , no other problems

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anubis

    Thank you.  Were you on any drugs with it and how soon after biopsy did the blood start?  He's 10 days after but had a water infection after it that he ended up in a and e with infection so there's a number of things it could be.  He doesn't have a temp or chills.  We're away for the weekend so just trying to assess if we need to get home :-(!  Left a message for nurse but of course it's Saturday.

  • hi there , no not on any drugs and the blood in my wee started pretty much straight away . 

    some days there was blood in it others not very sporadic !

    it is a well noted side effect of a trus biopsy 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anubis

    Thank you.  There's so many things it could be unfortunately it's just trying to sort out if it needs urgent medical advice :-(! Dad wanted to see how he went so that's what we did.  He seems much better today temp gone down, his strange sensation he said he had had gone and upto now no more blood so long may it continue.  I've asked him to get a water sample checked tomorrow at docs so we'll see what happens.

  • glad he's feeling better , its maybe the infection he caught more than the bicaltumide thats fatigued him .

    i didnt have any problems on the bicaltumide but everyone is different and reacts differently to it . 

    have u got a psa number for him yet ? 

    really hope u get gd news from the biopsy