Managing Side effects after completing RT

  • 5 replies
  • 111 subscribers


I completed 15 RT sessions 5 days ago for prostate cancer, and till recently had very few side affects other than a little tiredness and increased frequency/urgency to wee.

However yesterday I suffered slight pain when emptying my bowel; which was worse today and accompanied by slight bleeding.

i have a good balanced diet and drink lots of water as per all the recommended guidelines.

i understand that side effects get worse for 2 weeks after completion of treatment before getting better.

Any advice on managing this side effect to minimise the pain and aid recovery would be appreciated



  • Hi SW

    Difficulty passing motions is a normal side effect for RT.

    Mine started Midway through my treatment plan and continued for some weeks after the treatment finished.

    Traces of blood are normal (or so I've been told) but obviously if the blood situation gets worse or goes on for weeks then go see   your GP or contact the cancer centre.

    It will get better, I can assure you.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi Steve

    Thankyou, much appreciated.

    I thought that would be the case but good to get reassurance ... naturally a bit disconcerting when pain and blood start.



  • Steve

    I seem to remember it was the constipation that was the worst part of it all with laxatives only slightly effective/helpful.

    If the pain keeps on and gets worse I would go and see someone.


  • It's 12 weeks since I finished RT and I also had constipation during the second two weeks of treatment and for a short time after. On the advice of the oncology sister at the treatment centre I started taking Fybogel twice a day. After a few weeks I cut it down to just one per day. I did try stopping it a couple of weeks ago but the BMs were getting very hard and painful so I started it again last week and am now back to normal again.

    You can get Fybogel in any high-street pharmacy and it's very cheap (less than £4 for a box of 30 in our local chemist). You might also be able to get it on prescription.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47
