Pain in knee

  • 3 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Am about 20 days into Stap 3 have had pain in my right knee for a weeks or so. Am nearly 80 years old. Looks and feels quite normal. Should I be expecting this ?. How do you diagnose bone pain ?

  • You can get muscle fatigue and pain on prostrap 3 and indeed after a while on prostrap 3 you can also get muscle wastage too.  However, whether your pain is caused by the prostrap or some other reason is hard to tell.  I would go to your GP.  Try doing some light exercise - I don't know whether you exercised or how much exercise you got before your diagnosis but it is good to exercise while on this medication because it does help combat the fatigue and muscle pain and to fight the muscle wastage.  It will also help stop you putting on extra weight while on the medication - another side effect - even though I didn't put on extra weight I did get a muffin top. You don't have to go to the gym as I do 4 times a week and work out just a few short walks a day in the fresh air is good enough to get the endorphins going and make you feel better and combat the fatigue, low mood and keep the muscles working.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Thanks for that freefaller . Have been getting tingling in my Rt.  leg and a bit in L. leg for some time so knew something was up. Lying on my back and raising leg horizontal can see some wrinkly  skin on bottom of  Rt. leg calf muscle presumably indicating muscle wastage. Have been feeling odd sensations in that leg for a while.  Occasionally  getting faint  tweaks in left knee  so will probably go that way as well. Have elevated blood pressure and some medications for that sometimes gave me tingling in legs so  a bit confusing.

    Hung up deceased NHS Aunts old foot  pedalling gadget in garage years ago so got it down and its OK  and pedalled a while. Will increase  as time goes by. Also put heels  on a low folding stool and flexed them to exercise leg muscles.

  • Very inventive oldtimer!  Will find something I can put wheels on too.  Unfotunately learned last week that my AF is back so having to take things a bit easier.  Been to the GP today to make sure I get a referral to cardio and electrophysiologist.  Of course bank holiday so a lot of people both consultants and secretaries etc away until Tuesday.  We are away ourselves next week house/cat sitting for friend's while they go away on holiday helping their Mum and Dad so won't be getting much sunshine but it has been a lovely week this week so won't complain.  Our neighbours have spent a lot of money going abroad for sunshine and they needn't have bothered.

    I would certainly mention all these problems to your GP and consultant when you see them.  Always better safe than sorry.

    All the best
