PSA during bicalutamide medication

  • 1 reply
  • 109 subscribers

I am having my LHRH injection next Monday the day before my  last day of my 28 day Bicalutamide treatment. I will hopefully have a Blood Test telling me my PAS reading to give me a base level reading. Should I expect any change from that at initial diagnosis of 19.4 by  the penultimate Bicalutamide tablet.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Oldtimer,

    After just 28 days on bicalutamide you should see a drop in the PSA level.  I would not expect it to drop all the way to less than 1.0 though as it is early days.  I would be happy with any reduction and then in 3 months time, after the hormone treatment has started to kick in, I'd be happy with a reading of say, under 5.0.  After 6 months I'd want to see less than 1.0.
