Adding fibre to your diet

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We are constantly being told to add more fibre to your diet to ensure a good digestive  system especially nearing the end of its travels.

I often start the day with Morrisons Porridge with added 14% Fibre both insoluble (Wheat ) and soluble (Oats). I find a ratio of 1 porage  to two water suffices. Before microwaving on full power for 5 minutes  I stir in  2 tbs (tablespoonfuls )  powdered Milk and 1tbs Canderel  plus a few dobs of Stute Reduced sugar Marmalade as I am Diabetic Type 2. Stir in at beginning and half way through.

2 pieces of wholemeal toast spread with either  Stute Marmalade or Marmite completes my  breakfast. 

You can make the Porage   the night before stirring in Milk and reheating. I place a Microwavable dish under the cooking basin to catch any possible bubbling over.