Sepsis after prostate biopsy.

  • 7 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi new here .my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer last August.he had to have a biopsy recently and he had a very bad reaction to it .he collapsed and I found it hard to wake him up .got the  dr and was sent to hospital .he was diagnosed with sepsis .he was given iv antibiotics and fluids.he was extremely sick .eventually he was sent home on meds .he wasn’t home long and had a bad headache .vague .not  focused on what we were saying.we thought he was having a stroke.back to hospital.meds  were increased.i am very worried about him .his Gleason score is 6 .the cancer is slow growing.thank you .

  • Hi Pamela,sorry to hear of your husband's situation

    It is possible to get infection with biopsy but not that common to get sepsis. Everyone who has had a biopsy knows that the risk is there though.

    I am sure that he is getting the best possible treatment and will recover soon.

    Good news about the low Gleeson, if the PC is contained in the prostate then it should be curable .

    Best wishes


  • Hi Pamela.

    Sorry to hear that your husband got sepsis. As grundo said it's not very common.

    The good news is that, with his Gleason score you can afford to wait until he has fully recovered from the sepsis before needing any treatment for the cancer.

    I hope it goes well for you both.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Hi Steve .Thank you for getting back to me .yes we knew that we could get an infection but don’t realise it could be so serious.but thankfully he is over the worst now and will be getting stronger every day .we got the results of the recent biopsy and it has not wishes .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Seamus47

    Hi Seamus .thank you for your reply.its good to hear that sepsis is not very common..we are very afraid this will happen again the next time a biopsy is due .my husband have been put on active surveillance as the urologist said the cancer is was in 2 cores out of12 .other wise my husband was in very good health until this event.He is extremely tired with little or no appetite.hope fully he will start to feel better soon.

  • Pamela

    I wouldn't be happy having another biopsy after what your OH has just been through.

    I declined a second biopsy , not for that reason but because I didn't want up 50 needles in my prostate.

    In theory u can just monitor it with psa and MRI. When psa starts increasing over and above a certain level and / or the MRI shows that the tumour size is increasing or getting near the capsule border, that could be the time to take treatment. Active survellsurve looks fine for now and could be the case for many years.



  • I have been suffering from prostate inflammation since having a template biopsy almost 2 years ago. It has been life changing for me. There is absolutely no way that I would have a second biopsy.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to David193

    I’m sorry to hear that you have been suffering for that long .its an awful experience to go husband said he will never go through that biopsy again.he has no energy at all .he has got an extra 10 days of antibiotics.hopefully he will start to feel himself soon.thank you for reply David.